Payroll Direct Deposit

Ease the payroll process and save time

Directly deposit employees’ paychecks into their bank accounts for added convenience to your employees as well as creating a streamlined process for you.

With Payroll Direct Deposit:

  • Save money on every paycheck you issue
  • Your employees can have payroll funds directly deposited into the account of their choice
  • Account reconciliation is simplified as your payroll funds are withdrawn in one lump sum, and deposited directly into employee accounts
  • Transmit transactions electronically any time - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • Schedule payroll for those times you or your payroll personnel will be away

Your payroll direct deposit information is safe and secure. We use the newest technology in multi-level password protection. This provides your business with the highest possible level of security. All transactions are immediately verified and confirmed by sending you, and up to two more individuals, a fax and/or email confirmation within 5 minutes.

Call our Electronic Banking Department directly at (888) 385-2280, Option 4 or

Call your local office, Stop by or send us a Secure email to learn more

An on-site visit can be arranged to further explain our Payroll Direct Deposit Service and how easy it is to get started.

All Cash Management products subject to qualification.