How to Give Access to Google Analytics and Google Search Console

With any of our SEO campaigns, we will need access to your Google Analytics and Google Search Console Account, formerly Google Webmaster Tools, to help us analyze the current state of your website. Some B2B brands and B2C companies have multiple domains in each of these accounts and want to give access to just the one we will be working on.

We have been asked a few times, “How can I give you access to my Google Analytics and Google Search Console without giving you my password?”. There is a simple solution.

Both toolsets can define users that can access your account through their GA and GSC accounts. Below is a step-by-step process for giving users access to these without giving them your password.

How To Give Google Analytics Access

This section will define how to give a third-party access to your Google Analytics account so they can view it or, if you give them the rights, they can edit the report.

Step 1 – Login

Sign in to your Google Analytics account as you usually would if you were going to check on your website’s data.

Step 2 – Admin

In the left navigation area (at the bottom), you will notice a link for the “Admin” area. You will want to click that link to get into the area that allows you to add new users.

Step 3 – Selecting The Account You Want to Give Access To

Once you have clicked on the Admin link, it will take you to a page that looks like the one below. Once on that page, you will need to select the account (from the drop-down menu) you would like to give the user access to (we have chosen our site for this demo, but you will need to select your site).


Note: if you have a single account with multiple properties under that account, you will also need to select the property (the column to the right of the Account column), and use the “User Management Link” in the property column to get to the next step.

Step 4 – User Management

Once you select the account from the drop-down menu, click the “User Management” button.


Step 4 – Adding Users

Once clicked, this will open the page below, where you can add new users to your account.

Add their email, select which access type you’d like to give them (most will be the default “Read & Analyze”), check the box to notify the user by email, and click “add.”


Once added, their email address will show in the list, and an email will be sent to the user notifying them that they now have access to the analytics property.

How To Give Access To Google Search Console

This section will define how to give a third-party access to your Google Search Console Account so that other users can view or, if you give them the rights, can edit the account.

Step 1 – Login

Sign in to your Google Search Console account as you usually would if you were going to check on your website’s data.

Step 2 – Manage the Site

Once logged in, you will see a list of the websites within your account on the upper left-hand side.

Once you’ve selected your website, scroll to the bottom and click on Settings.

Step 3 – Add User

Once you click the “Settings” link, the screen below will appear – which lists all users with access to the data within this account.

Once on this page, you will want to click the area that says” Users and Permissions.”

Once you click on that area, it will take you to a page that shows all the users who have access to your account. Then, you will see a blue “Add Users” link in the upper right-hand corner.

Step 4 – Final Step

Once you click the “Add User” link, a popup will appear where you will add the user’s email to who you want to give access.

Much like the Google Analytics step, add their Gmail email (they need a Gmail account), select which access type you’d like to give them, and click “add.”

Once added, their email address will show in the list of users accessing that website’s Google Search Console Account.

Giving someone access to your Google Analytics and Search Console data is accessible without giving them your password.