Logging In

Learn how to use Patient Fusion

Logging in as an existing Patient Fusion user?  Please see below.

Creating an account in Patient Fusion for the first time?  Click here.

Making requests, sending messages & uploading documents?  Click here.

Logging into Patient Fusion with as an Existing User:

- You may want to bookmark this page for future reference.

2. Enter you username into the "Username" field.

- Unless you changed this during account creation, your username is likely your email address.

3. Enter your password into the "Password" field.

4. Press the "Login in" button.

I Have Forgotten My Patient Fusion Password:

1. On the Patient Fusion login page, click on the "Forgot password?" link below the password entry field.

2. Enter your username into the "Enter username" field.

3. Press the "Reset password" button.

4. An email will be sent to the email address you have on-file with Patient Fusion.

- The password reset email will be sent to you from notifications@email.patientfusion.com

5. Click on the "Reset password" button/link in the email to continue to be taken to the Patient Fusion reset password tool in a new browser tab.

6. Back on Patient Fusion, in the password reset tool, select either the "Answer your security question" radial or the "Request a security code via mobile" radial.

7. Press the "Continue" button to start the process.

If you choose "Answer your security question" in step six:

8a. Continue by first entering your birthday into the "Date of Birth (YYYY/MM/DD)" field.

9a. Next enter your answer to your security question in the following text field.

10a. Press the "Submit" button to continue.

If you choose "Request a security code via mobile" in step six:

8b. Continue by first entering your phone number into the "Phone number from doctor's record" field.

9b. Select either the "Text" or "Voice" radial buttons to receive either a text message or a phone call with your security code, respectively.

10b. Press the "Request" button to continue.

- For additional details on the security code verification process review steps 7-9 on the Create an Account page.

After completing the "Answer your security question" or "Request a security code via mobile" pages:

11. Enter your new password into both the "Password" and "Retype password" fields.

- Your password must be at least 8 characters, contain an UPPERCASE letter and either a number or a symbol (ex: $, %, &).

- Please make note of your password for future logins.

I Have Forgotten My Patient Fusion Username:

1. On the Patient Fusion login page, click on the "Forgot username?" link below the username entry field.

2. On the following page, enter your email address into the "Email address" field.

- This email address needs to match the one on-file in Patient Fusion.

3. Press the "Verify identity" button to receive an email containing your username.

4. Review the email you received from Patient Fusion containing your username.

- The username email will be sent to you from healthrecords@patientfusion.com

- Please make note of your username for future logins.