Canceling Subscription

iEditorial Note: These blog posts represent the opinion of DoNotPay’s Writers, but each person’s situation and circumstances vary greatly. As a result, you should make sure to do your own independent research. Because everyone is unique, our self-help tools are never guaranteed to help with any specific situation. DoNotPay is not a law firm and is not licensed to practice law. DoNotPay provides a platform for legal information and self-help.

How to cancel service without a hitch

How many times did you wonder how you can save when shopping online? This is the reason you applied for services, offering you ways to save money on your online purchases through shipping rebates, coupons, and cashback.

After a while of using this online shopping portal, you decided it’s time to cancel your membership, but how do you do that? Don’t worry—we got you covered.

Allow DoNotPay to help you cancel

Instead of wasting your time on canceling membership by yourself, allow DoNotPay to do it for you. It will take only a few easy steps to have this done from your smartphone, tablet, or computer. Follow the instructions below, and you will be unsubscribed from services in no time.

  1. Use the free desktop version from your web browser.
  2. Select “Find Hidden Money”.
  3. Enter “” as the membership you want to cancel.

DoNotPay will send you an email that your membership is canceled.

How to cancel by yourself offers its members three ways to cancel their subscriptions: online, email, and over the phone. After canceling a subscription, your account will be active until the end of the current billing term.

Canceling online

  1. Log into your account.
  2. Go to the Help tab.
  3. Select the Cancel Membership link.
  4. Follow instructions from then on.

Canceling by email

Send an email requesting the cancelation of your membership to

Canceling over phone

You can cancel your membership by dialing their customer service at 1-800-869-5597, free of charge.

Can you cancel withYes / No

Will you receive a refund after canceling membership?

Depending on what type of membership you are canceling, you may receive a prorated refund.

There is no refund if you cancel your monthly membership. If you want to prevent charges for an additional month, cancel the service before the current billing term is over.

If you cancel an annual membership before the renewal period, you are eligible for a prorated refund of your annual fee. Canceling during the renewal period will not get you a refund, and your credit card will not be charged after the date of your cancelation.

Will free trial auto-renew into a paid subscription?

Yes. You are offered a free trial period after which you will be charged a monthly or annual subscription. To stop this from happening, you need to cancel your membership during the free trial period.

Use DoNotPay’s virtual credit card to prevent charges after the free trial

Even with all your efforts, you can forget when the trial period ends, and enter into a paid subscription. If this happens, your credit card will be charged for the type of membership you chose when signing up for the service.

This unnecessary expense is something you can avoid if you use DoNotPay’s virtual credit card. won’t see any difference between yours and DNP’s card, except it won’t be able to charge you when the free trial is over.

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Can you pause the subscription instead of canceling it?

No. doesn’t allow you to pause or temporarily stop your subscription. You can reapply for membership by contacting

What are the problems with canceling

Some members reported charges on their credit card statements even after canceling the service. If this occurs, contact the customer service by sending an e-mail to or dial 1-800-869-5597.

If you encounter any problems or don’t feel comfortable dealing with this yourself, use DoNotPay to fight these unnecessary charges for you.

Alternative services to

Amazon Prime$12.99 a month and $119 a year
  • Free same-day and one-day delivery (U.S.)
  • Free standard shipping
  • Includes a wide variety of products, even groceries
  • 30-day free trial
Rakuten RewardsFree
  • Earn cashback when shopping
  • Free to join
  • $10 bonus when you join
  • Coupons
  • Refer-A-Friend program

DoNotPay can keep an eye all of your subscriptions

People tend to forget about their free subscriptions until it’s too late. Based on the 2018 report, an average American spends $237 per year on subscription services, amounting to $2,847.96 per year. DoNotPay will monitor your subscriptions and make sure you are not paying for services you don’t use. It’s easy and will take just a couple of minutes of your time to set it up.

DoNotPay can help you send demand letters to in a small claims court in case of mistreatment

If mistreated you in any way, DoNotPay is here for you. Our AI Consumer Champion will help you send demand letters to before the small claims court and right the wrong that has been done to you. DoNotPay’s AI Consumer Champion is the recipient of the Lousie M. Brown Award for Access presented by the American Bar Association. Start using the DoNotPay services today and save yourself lots of stress.

How charges will appear on your bank statement?

When charges your credit card, it will show on your bank statement. Here are examples of what these charges may look like.


What else can DoNotPay do for you?

DoNotPay has many services that may help you, saving your time and money. Try it for free in your to:

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