Global Test Market Review: Why to sign Up

Is it possible to Make Money with Global Test Market?


If you are asking yourself if GlobalTestMarket is a good survey program for making money, you are in the right place, since in this post I try to answer that question giving you the Pros and Cons of signing up with them. The idea is to clarify all your doubts, then at the end, you could decide if you want to sign up for the program or not.


First, let’s make something clear, but that is very important. “If you are thinking that you’re going to be rich by filling out surveys” you are wrong, and if this is what you are looking for maybe you should find another way to make money. I am not trying to demoralize you; I just want you to be realistic, this way you won´t be disappointed and quit the program when you do not see that result.


But do not be discouraged although I have said you will not become rich with GlobalTestMarket, this does not mean that you can not earn a few hundred dollars a month.

If you are still interested, keep reading to know how it works and the Pros and Cons.


What is GlobalTestMarket?

GlobalTestMarket is powered by Lightspeed GMI, a survey software, which is one of the world´s leading providers of market research. Therefore, we can tell that GlobalTestMarket is a reliable program to join if this is one of your doubts.  

GlobalTestMarket was founded in 1999 and since then offers the ability to help influence the development of products and services that we use every day. Another thing I have to mention is that Globaltestmarket, as its name says, is a global website! Working in more than 60 countries worldwide.


How is it work?

GlobalTestMarket is a program that pays with cash or gift cards for taking surveys online. Once you join the program, which is very easy, you will start receiving surveys to the email address you provide at the time you register. Every survey completed, you get points, which range from 10 to 90, the longer the survey is, the more points you earn. 

As I said before, you can redeem your points for gift cards or cash.

These are some examples, $20 via PayPal for 480 points, 540 points for a $25 American Eagle Gift Card! 

Other ways you can be paid are through Amazon, Macy´s, Gap, Applebee´s, eBay, among others.


Why Sign-Up

The answer is why not! When you have the opportunity to make some extra cash a month, which you may use to buy shoes, clothes, etc., without using your own money, and you do not pay anything for enrolling. It´s not bad, right?



  • It is free.
  • You have many opportunities to earn points per day as you receive many surveys every 24 hours.
  • Most of the surveys take between 15-40 minutes to fill out, although some of them may take 60 minutes, of course, you earn more points.
  • You can take surveys on a laptop or in your Mobile, this way you never miss a chance to take a survey.
  • Redeem your points for gift cards or cash via PayPal or Check.



  •  You have to take the survey as soon as you receive it because it is only for a certain number of people.
  • The minimum MarketPoints needed to redeem them is 1000.
  • Sometimes while you are taking the survey, you are screened out for different reasons, but as a reward, you get entries for a drawing every quarter where you can win up to $500 in Market points. 
  • Rewards usually take about 4-6 weeks to arrive if you are in the USA, outside of the country takes about 6-8 weeks.


As you can see Global Test Market is a reliable program in which you can make extra money without any investment of money, only a few hours of your time per day in which you decide how to manage them. Sign Up Here


What do you think? Would you like to try the program? You should give it a chance; you do not have anything to lose.


I hope you had found this review helpful to make a decision on signing up for the program.

Please do not forget to give a comment, or ask any question, if you have it. I am always happy to help.

6 thoughts on “Global Test Market Review: Why to sign Up”

  1. Thanks for this review. I just saw Global Test Market advertised on Fusion Cash, and if I join, FC will pay me $0.65. After reading you’re review, I believe I will join GTM.

    I just want to clear one thing up before joining though, and that is that you mentioned you need 480 points to get $20 in PayPal, and then later you said the minimum MarketPoints needed to redeem is 1000. Does that mean you can’t redeem any points till you reach 1,000? Cause that would be more like $40+ right?

    Thanks in advance for a reply. 🙂

    1. Hi Ian,

      Yes, you could not redeem any reward until you reach your first 1000 market points after that you can redeem them for whatever is best for you (cash or gift cards).About how much cash by PayPal you could get with 1000 points you will get only $40 since the amount money paid via PayPal is round numbers such as $10 (240 points), $15 (360 points) and $20 (480 points).

      Good look with your Surveys if you decide to sign up Ian 😉


      1. Thanks for the information and quick reply. I’ve got it now. 🙂

        I will put it on my list of sites to sign up for. Not quite ready to try it yet (lots of other things to do, you know how it goes).


  2. Salvatore V Jenkins Jr.

    I have tried many different survey programs over the years and most times I have found it to be hard to earn enough point to cash out. Some of the times I would get through half the survey and then they would tell me I they had enough responses.

    Do you find this issue with GlobalTestMarket?

    1. Sorry to hear that, my friend; and yes, sometimes happen with Globaltestmarket too, but my advice is to take more those surveys that are longer, that way the chance of finishing a survey is higher since most of the people try always to take the shorter surveys.


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