Registration is easy

  • It typically takes less than 5 minutes.
  • You only have to do it once - quickly sign in with your new username and password each time you return.
  • You'll need to provide your name, birthdate, ZIP code, email, and phone number and either Member ID or partial Social Security Number.
  • We'll ask you to confirm your email and phone keep your account secure.
HealthSafe ID makes signing in easier

Using a HealthSafe ID gives you access to many of your health benefits with just one username and password. No more multiple passwords for multiple sites! Use it whenever you see the HealthSafe ID name.

Websites moving to HealthSafe ID*:
  • Live and Work well
  • OptumBank
  • Optum Financial Serivces
  • UHCHealthAccounts
  • UHC Retiree Accounts

*Websites available only to those eligible for these benefits