Special Report: Extreme Self-Defense

Published: Aug. 26, 2010 at 3:43 PM CDT|Updated: Sep. 7, 2010 at 1:21 PM CDT
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OKLAHOMA - Would you know what to do if an intruder breaks down your door and threatens your life?  A new class, which is generating quite a stir, says it goes beyond teaching self-defense, it teaches you how to "take out" your attacker.

They say it can save your life, but this kind of self-defense is intense.  In fact, it can be deadly.  Students learn how to protect themselves, even if that means killing the attacker.  But some say that can also mean trouble.

"Not only does he get the busted ribs, the ruptured organs and the wind knocked out of him, he hits his head on the ground," said Target Focus Training Founder, Tim Larkin.

The punches, blows, elbows, and kicks are called "reality based fighting", but it is not a reality show.  It is not a martial arts class and it is not your local community center's self-defense class.

It teaches students how to "take out" an attacker by using violent moves to strike weak points of the body.  The ultimate goal is to stop an attacker from harming you by using violence to harm them and inflicting injuries so severe they may even die.

"Violence has been stigmatized so much in our culture for the past 20 to 30 years that the only people who have that tool available to them is the predators," said Larkin.

Ex-military member Tim Larkin founded Target Focus Training.  He trains Navy SEALS, Army Special Forces, and police.  Now he is teaching classes to the public for a hefty fee.

"As long as you can think and move we can teach anybody how to do this," said Larkin.

The training comes with a grave warning:  These moves are so dangerous; they are only to be used as self-defense to safe your life.

"It's when you don't have another option, where there's no way to talk your way out of it, and the person doesn't want to listen to you," said instructor-in-training, Krista Waddell.

But criminologist Casey Jordan warns that if people trained like this ever do kill someone, it could be tougher to prove it was self-defense.

"Anyone who kills someone can be in potential legal trouble, but a student of Target Focus Training may be held to a higher standard, just like some members of law enforcement of the military," said Jordan.

Target Focus says they make that liability clear and still, people come from across the country to take the classes.  Pete Goode says he flew in to learn how to protect his family.

"I am amazed having no previous martial arts experience what sort of trauma a person can do even in a fight or flight type of scenario," said Goode.

Critics say preparation may provide confidence, but panic may still prevail.

"The criminal usually uses the element of surprise and most people can barely remember to scream or look for their pepper spray, let alone remember the actual techniques of how you're going to injure someone," said Larkin.

Larkin says students are taught to constantly practice what they learn and to know exactly when to walk away from violence.  But if they have to fight for their life, they are ready.

"Murder is never justified.  We're trying to protect you from the murderers but the fact is sometimes you may have to kill a murderer and our people know exactly how to do that should it come your way," said Larkin.

Target Focus Training weekend classes cost about a $1,000 and are held periodically across the country.  The company also offers online training and sells DVD's.