How do I create a Mendeley account and sign in/out?

Last updated on March 09, 2021

How do I create a Mendeley account and sign in/out?

Last updated on March 09, 2021

If you don't already have a Mendeley account you can create one for free: visit and click 'Create account'. When you have created this account you can also use it to sign in to Mendeley Desktop and other Elsevier services including Science Direct or Scopus.

If you have downloaded Mendeley Desktop without first creating an account you'll need to create an account. To do this click 'Register' on the Mendeley Desktop sign in screen.

If you already have an Elsevier account, e.g. for Science Direct or Scopus, you can use this to sign in to Mendeley Desktop and

You will only be able to sign in to Mendeley Desktop with an institutional (Shibboleth) credential using a connected Mendeley/Elsevier account. Please refer to this FAQ for more help.

If you're using from a shared machine we recommend you sign out at the end of your session. To do this click the drop-down arrow next to your name and click 'Logout'.

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