has a fantasy baseball game known as the Open. In Open leagues, each owner(there are 12 per league) drafts 25 players at whatever positions they choose (you must have at least one player per position though). Each week, two teams face each other. The team whose players earn more points that week overall (points are earned by players in your lineup performing well in real life) gets a win. At the end of the season, there are league playoffs, and then an overall playoff tournament that spans all leagues. Want to win your Open league?


  1. The earlier you pick, the more likely it is that you will get a convenient draft time (such as Friday night at 7 PM) instead of an obscure draft time (like Monday morning at 11 AM). Getting a team will require an account on (accounts are free).
  2. Some quirks include the fact that you draft a team's complete pitching staff instead of one pitcher, and the list of "Undroppable", players that you are not allowed to release or trade, preventing "stacked teams".
  3. Read fantasy baseball magazines and websites. Look around for good sleeper picks to use in the later rounds.
  4. The live draft system on is notably a bit slow, and it may take two hours or so to draft your team.
  5. These are two of the positions with not very many stars, so snap up players here as early as possible.
  6. After the draft, look over your team and look over the other teams you will be facing. Analyze your opponents weaknesses and strengths.Figure out where you did well in the draft and where you made mistakes.
  7. Use the free agents available (note that these are not free agents in real life, just players that no one drafted) and fix any mistakes you may have made.
  8. If one of your players is demoted to the minor leagues, then quickly go to the free agent list and find a suitable replacement.
  9. Note that you cannot change lineups during the week, and players on your bench earn you no points, so choose wisely.
  10. Use a combination of statistics and a little bit of gut feeling to decide how to manage through the playoffs (hopefully you have made it that far).
  11. Continue to manage your fantasy team, with the ultimate goal of winning the $100,000 jackpot for the champion of all of Open.

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  • Don't draft too many players at one position. Sure, it would be great if you can snag David Wright and Alex Rodriguez, but you can't play them both, and you'd probably be missing out on good players at other positions by drafting them.
  • Take advantage of the "homers". Homers are people who draft a large amount of players from their favorite team in a fantasy league. Take advantage of this by snagging a good player because the homer turned him down, or even consider pulling a joke on the homer by having everyone else in the league pick players from his team.
  • Read a couple of fantasy baseball magazines/web sites, but don't read a ridiculous amount of them. Reading too many sources will often make you confused about who is good to draft.


  • Don't draft an old or injury-plagued player.
  • Don't spend too much time researching for the draft. A little fantasy baseball league is not worth hours of researching.
  • Don't be a jerk in your draft. It will make you hated in your league and it may make people gloat about it if they beat you.
  • Don't spend too much time during the season on your team. Check on it, but don't become crazy about it.

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Updated: October 8, 2020
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