Edmodo is a free online educational classroom platform. It enables teachers to easily distribute assignments, notes, quizzes, tests, and messages to students and parents.[1] The first step to getting started on Edmodo is creating an account. There are three types of accounts. Click on the type of account that you want to create (above this introduction) to jump to the correct method.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Student Account

This is the one account that can be used for all of your classes. You can store your schoolwork for free (in your Edmodo backpack) as well.

  1. Visit edmodo.com.
  2. To continue with a standard Edmodo account, click/tap Create New Edmodo Account.
  3. You will need a group code which can be obtained from your teacher or instructor.
    • You can change all of this information except your username so pick a username that you like and can remember easily.
  4. If you were joining an unlocked group, you will now be in the group. If the group is locked, you will need to wait for the group owner to approves your join request.
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Teacher Account

An Edmodo teacher account lets you create classes and manage your students.

  1. Visit edmodo.com
  2. To continue with a standard Edmodo account, type in your email address and the password you want for your new Edmodo account.
  3. Check your email and confirm your account. If you don't see the message from Edmodo, check your spam or junk mail.
  4. Advertisement
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Parent Account

Parents can view the messages sent by their children, assignments submitted, marks, and certain teacher announcements with a Parent account.

    • Web: The parent code is located in a blue box on the lower-right corner of your screen.
    • iOS App: Press the menu button ☰ at the upper-right of the app and tap on the student's name. Tap Invite Parent and get the code.
    • Android App: Tap the navigation drawer on the left side (looks like ☰ except cut off a bit) and then Profile.
    • Ask the teacher to provide you with the parent code for the specific group.
  1. Type the code in and select your relation to the student. If other is selected, specify the relationship.
  2. Advertisement

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Things You'll Need

  • Computer with internet access
  • Edmodo Group Code (Students)

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wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 16,025 times.
20 votes - 55%
Co-authors: 4
Updated: November 12, 2022
Views: 16,025
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