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Using the VAX

Logging in:

At the Login prompt, type your username, as given (no caps, no spaces). Press Enter.

At the Password prompt, type your password, precisely as given (or set by you). Press Enter. (If the Login failed, try again.) If you did it right, you are now in your account, the screen fills with messages.

Logging out (DON'T FORGET!)

At the VAX prompt $, enter the word lo (for logout).

If you return to the menu, enter the number given for Exit. Close the window.

see Connecting in the ACC  by modem  with a direct connection

Changing your password

At the VAX prompt, type set password.  Type your new password, 6-8 letters/numbers, no spaces.  Watch for the prompts.
Then you are prompted to enter your password. Type it correctly (you don't see it on the screen and you can't edit it), then press Enter.

If you did it right, you are now in your account, the screen fills with messages.

If not, try the process again, without making a mistake. You may need to ask someone in the Computer Center to reset your password to the password which was originally assigned.

Communicating online: Who is on VAX?

$ enter sho user to see list of persons currently logged on
Phone them -- type <message>; when done, press Ctrl-z, then type exit:
$ enter phone to initiate
$ enter phone, then enter answer to answer the message "x phoning"
Finger them -- type a one-line message to someone logged on (if not logged on, you get a message):
$ enter send <username> finger to see if user logged on to VAX
$ enter send <username@node finger to see if user logged on to Bitnet
Message (line by line) to a user currently logged on; press Enter on blank line when done:
$ enter send <username> to someone on the VAX
$ enter send <username@node> (8 letters max. for node) to someone on Bitnet.

More VAX commands at the $ prompt:

dir shows list of files in your account
delete followed by a filename & version#, to delete a file
ed or edit/edt invokes the EDT screen editor
help shows list of topics to choose from
help followed by a topic, for information about this command
show user shows names of users online
show quota shows space used/available (512 bytes=1 block)
type or type/page followed by a filename, displays the file's contents, screen by screen
send/file <filename> <user> sends a textfile to another user.


At the $ prompt, enter lynx. See separate page. When ready to quit, press q, then Enter. 


At the $ prompt, enter mail. See separate page. When ready to exit, type exit, then Enter.