"Sign in with Google" component, Profile Picture URL cannot be saved, Link Action does not work

“Sign in with Google” component, Profile Picture URL cannot be saved, Link Action does not work.

Are you saving this to a text field or an image field?

Yes, I saved this to a text field.

How do we get the sign in with google component?

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How do we do it? Really want to know…

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Top left click the plus icon

Scroll to the bottom click on the “Explore Marketplace” button

Scroll to the bottom and click “Install” on the Google Signin entry

Click on the Plus again

Scroll down, expand the “Installed” section

Drag the “Continue with Google” component onto a screen.


We really need sign in with apple as they require any app with a 3rd party login to also offer sign in with apple.




Wow. So apple won’t let sign in with google if it’s not accompanied by sign in with apple?! This is why people use android :rofl:


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