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Hydro-Québec Tips To Save Money On Your Bill This Winter

Hydro-Québec shared a few tips.

Staff Writer

It's safe to say that you've probably already turned on your heating in Montreal. And with snow on the ground and the temperatures getting into the negative double-digits comes all the stressing about how you're going to afford your Hydro-Québec bill.

But there's a way you can both save money and optimize your energy consumption at home during the long, cold winter months, according to the Crown corporation. The company shared some tips in an email to customers on December 3 and gives further advice on its website.

Here are four tips to consider.

Sign up for the Equalized Payments Plan (EPP)

Hydro-Québec encourages customers to use the Equalized Payments Plan (EPP).

When you sign up for the EPP, you'll know exactly how much you'll have to pay for electricity every month with no surprises.

The plan spreads your payments out throughout the year, producing a standardized monthly bill by weighing your electricity use, the temperature in your area and your consumption habits, according to an explanatory video.

As an added benefit, you can choose how much you want to spend on a per-month basis depending on your consumption habits.

Track your electricity use & optimize your consumption

Did you know that there's a tool on your Hydro-Québec customer portal that allows you to track your energy consumption in full detail?

My Consumption Profile, in your customer space, shows you how much energy you're using on an hourly basis.

This tool can help you determine the months and times of day when your consumption is highest. That way, you can anticipate when you might be spending a little more money on hydro and adjust your habits if necessary.

Seal up those drafty windows

Etienne Delorieux | Unsplash

If you live in an older building, chances are your windows are a little drafty in the winter. Drafty windows mean one thing: You're losing heat.

For many of us, the only way to fix this issue is to cover those windows with plastic or some kind of sealant during the cold months. If you can afford it (or if your landlord is nice), you might consider changing the windows and updating them to something more weather-controlled.

Invest in a new thermostat

Jeremy Bezanger | Unsplash

Another handy way to regulate the heating in your home is to invest in an electric thermostat, Hydro-Québec says. According to the company, heating accounts for "over 50% of your annual electricity bill." Apparently, an electric thermostat could save you around 10% of your annual bill.

It might be problematic to install an electronic thermostat if you're a renter, so sadly, this might not be the best option for you.

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