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Our Review
age 14+

Based on 47 parent reviews

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age 18+


OH MY GOD. Never let kids into this game! My kid started playing this game at the age of 10.. I allowed her because I thought it was "fine". Then I stopped watching her and she started going out with her "bestie" and his "bf" and she started to hang out with those adult "sunsets" which have 18+ in their account. THEY WERE TALKING SEXUAL LIKE ASS AND F38K ! Oh my god. There are also so many bullies that bullied my kid! Also their are many people who ask to do nude pics! This game is addictive please don't let your kid play this... I guess 15+. But 18+ is this best to tolerate this type of behavior now she is 17 and SHE IS ADDICTED!!!

This title has:

Too much violence
Too much sex
Too much swearing
Too much consumerism
Too much drinking/drugs/smoking
2 people found this helpful.
age 10+

My Daughter Loves This!

I regularly check what my daughter plays and I think woozworld is perfect! Nothing bad, all bad words blocked and everybody is kind on this game! There is no kind of scamming or sex, etc. The "WoozIn" lets users say how they feel to their friends. I recommend this! It's the safest game I've seen in a while with the nicest users. I made an account for myself to check it out and nothing was bad at all! Well done to the makers of woozworld!

This title has:

Great messages
1 person found this helpful.
age 14+

Great game

Lovely site. Great avatars, clothing, and features. Nice community. Option to block and report. Great features like trading, marketplace, pets, crafting, space designing. Great customisation features and settings. Friendly support staff. Like any MMO bullying can be an issue but there are a broad range of features in place to stop this. Most of the site are adults, but there are younger players, too. The team work very hard putting together new updates for the game and fix bugs.

This title has:

Educational value
Great messages
Easy to play/use
age 17+

great ideas but so many issues.

I've been playing this game for many years. I started playing actively when I was 10 and I'm now 19. Honestly, I love the new updates they have recently put in. Such as wired furniture for games, pronouns in bio, reshapeable unitz, etc. I've met some great people on here over the years, but most of the people who have populated the game now have extremely vile mouths. People are blatantly racist; I was told to "eat a rat" and was called a "covid 19 starter pack" because the user believed I was asian. I was also harassed and followed around by somebody (different person) who told me to kill myself, threatened to find me and jump me, drown and slit my wrists, etc. This same person is also a white woman posing as a black man on the game , and this person is ALSO racist and openly admits so, for ex. saying all mexicans should die. There are also multiple known pedophiles on this game. One of which claimed to have recieved nude pics from a 10 yr old and had a relationship with a 13 yr old when he admitted to being 21. This person would also groom young girls into being his friend to ask for more. Woozworld often ignores serious reports, and bans/ suspends people instead for accidentally tagging things that aren't even inappropriate. I almost got suspended for trying to explain something and a random non-inappropriate word was blocked. There's so many disrespectful, vile people on here who honestly need to go to anger management classes instead of spending all day playing on a children's game. These people only want attention and will be ruthless to people just for breathing or winning a game that they lost. This game also only cares about money, we get TAXED (20% in shop podz, 30% marketplace) for selling things on this game, even though taxes on this game don't even benefit us for new projects. Wooz packs are extremely overpriced and it's the only way to obtain wooz unless you do wooz offers, most of which also cost money or just don't work. Honestly the staff needs to pay more attention to the racists, pedophiles, and bullies who are literally harassing minors. Do better.

This title has:

Too much swearing
Too much consumerism
age 18+

I love this site

I love everybody in the world I love you I love everybody
age 12+

Its fine

The game is filled with many microtransactions and items you have to buy but its nowhere near a "dating site" or "18+" like most parents are saying. I've played this since I was 10, my parents monitored what I did and it was fine. I'm 19 now and still play and not sure wondering where people go wrong exactly. The websites safe and you can report anyone asking for personal details or explicit chat and block them, the game mods usually get rid of them soon enough unlike other games. Rather than blaming the game as a whole, just take your own precautions and time with it, it's not as bad as it looks
age 15+

It’s... an interesting game

I used to play this game when I was 8, so almost 10 years ago at this point, and I only recently started playing again. My parents banned me when I was a kid because I had multiple partners on the game, but obviously as I got older I realized it was wrong (just stupid “kid” relationships, nothing inappropriate, but parents were worried about stranger danger especially back then it was an issue online). I ended up buying a bundle pack of vip and wzw money, but before that I was only doing an “upkeep” on the game meaning I would do the daily spin and check on my marketplace items. Now, I’m unhealthily playing this game for literal hours a day. The issue with Woozworld now is that there isn’t much to do anymore and the people who play this game are extremely rude and profane. It was fine when I was a kid because everyone else basically was a kid too when we played, it was originally a game marketed for kids (the ads are “safety locked” so kids can’t click on them there’s a question you have to answer before visiting the ad site called a “parent check”; constantly making sure the user, if underage, has their parents permission for certain actions; and chat filters). People nowadays are finding ways to cuss and say inappropriate things around the filter, people will get into arguments and I’ve seen people actually tell each other to “end it” meaning to kill themself. A lot of this is a competition to be “popular”, but I stay in my lane and collect clothes which is actually really fun. It’s a good business learning skill because they have the marketplace now and there’s no need for actual shoppodz anymore, so it’s easy to buy and sell. Little kids shouldn’t really be on here anymore because of the fact there are a lot more pedofiles (I got a private message from a guy basically trying to force me into a “relationship” w me telling me he can be my daddy and make me feel good) and the fact that people are SUPER RUDE for no reason

This title has:

Too much swearing
age 18+

WoozWorld is full of child predators!!

Absolutely stay away from this game!! This game is so terrible, keep your children away from it. My 15 year old child was on this WoozWorld game, playing with her "friends" who claimed that they were the same age as her, yet they were talking about SEXUAL topics!! This game is supposed to have a filter but there are tons of adults who know how to break through it! This is to absolutely be avoided. Do not let your kids play this terrible game!!!

This title has:

Too much sex
Too much swearing
Too much consumerism
Too much drinking/drugs/smoking
age 18+

This is not kids game anymore....

My daughter recently got "exposed" in a video showing her nudes and personal information.. THIS IS NOT OKAY. There are pedofiles on this game who force young GIRLS and BOYS to give them pictures. whenever my daughter plays a game in woozworld, there are always mad "questy" people who can't tolorate losing. they end up cussing my daughter and getting their friends to "attack" my daugther too. Not only does the game contain child pornography, but also bullying!!!!! JENNY, MAX, JAY and MYA DO SOMETHING????? this game is mad..

This title has:

Great messages
Too much violence
Too much sex
Too much swearing
age 2+


Best game ever ! Truly recommend makin an Account and talkin to a user named Heating and DAMLEN

This title has:

Great messages