The game Woozworld is very popular currently and has over 2 million players. If you are interested in this cool game, you are in luck to find this article! In this article, it will show you step by step on how to join the ever so fun game.


  1. and press the button that says: " Not a member? Join now!"
  2. Choose the avatar you like the best ( don't worry if the avatars don't look nice,as you level up and get more nice clothes, you will look awesome!).
  3. If you don't want to share real information, then put in a fake birth date.
  4. "My parents and I have read the following documents and agree to them".
  5. and enjoy!

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  • When putting in your email, use a real one! Even if the Woozworld company accepts fake ones, don't! Before making the account, be sure to make an email account! It's free! For example : Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo Mail, and more! The reason you need to use a real email is because you might get hacked! If you use a fake email and someone finds out the address and that it is fake, they can hack you by using the address to make it into a real email address! Then, they would use it to put into the "forgot my password " form and the Woozworld company will email the "change the password" thing to the address that the person has and they can change the password to gain access to your account, they might also change the username (email). So be safe!


  • Be nice and have good behavior! Also, don't use hack programs! Especially Charles Proxy, it's a program guaranteed that you will get suspended on Woozworld! One woozen who used Charles Proxy got suspended for 11 years, and you don't want that! Be safe and never, ever share information even if someone asks you! Especially don't give out the username (email)!

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wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 9 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 2,483 times.
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Updated: November 17, 2017
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