Tiki-Toki Timelines revenue hit $72.8K in 2024

Tiki-Toki Timelines generates revenue from 350000 customers

Tiki-Toki Timelines

27 Old Gloucester Street, London, England, United Kingdom

About Company RevenueTeamFounder/CEOCustomersCEO Net Worth

How Tiki-Toki Timelines hit $72.8K revenue and 350K customers in 2021.

Tiki-Toki is owned and operated by Tiki-Toki Ltd, a UK-based company that specializes in the development of interactive timeline software. Tiki-Toki's platform allows users to create visually appealing and interactive timelines that can be shared and embedded on websites, blogs, and social media platforms. The platform includes a range of customization tools, such as different color schemes, fonts, and background images, that allow users to create timelines that are unique to their brand or project. Tiki-Toki's software is designed for use by individuals, businesses, and educational institutions to create engaging visual storytelling and historical presentations. Tiki-Toki Ltd was founded in 2011 and is headquartered in London, England. The company's mission is to provide an easy-to-use and affordable timeline creation tool for individuals and organizations that want to create engaging and informative visual content.






2021 Revenue







Tiki-Toki Timelines Revenue

In 2021, Tiki-Toki Timelines revenue run rate hit $72.8K in revenue.

  • 2021

    Tiki-Toki Timelines hit $72.8K in revenue in 2021

  • 2011

    Tiki-Toki Timelines launched in 2011 with $0 revenue

Tiki-Toki Timelines Funding History

No funding has been reported for Tiki-Toki Timelines yet.


Tiki-Toki Timelines has 10 total employees. They have 350,000 customers

Total team size 10

Founder / CEO

Alex Kearns


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Tiki-Toki Timelines Executives

Name Position Working Email Personal Email
Alex Kearns CEO [email protected] -

Tiki-Toki Timelines Employees

Name Position Working Email Personal Email
Alex Kearns CEO [email protected] -

Frequently Asked Questions about Tiki-Toki Timelines

  • When was Tiki-Toki Timelines founded?

    Tiki-Toki Timelines was founded in 2011.

  • How much revenue does Tiki-Toki Timelines generate?

    Tiki-Toki Timelines generates $72.8K in revenue.

  • Who is the CEO of Tiki-Toki Timelines

    The CEO of Tiki-Toki Timelines is Alex Kearns.

  • How much funding does Tiki-Toki Timelines have?

    Tiki-Toki Timelines raised $0.

  • How many employees does Tiki-Toki Timelines have?

    Tiki-Toki Timelines has 10 employees.

  • Where is Tiki-Toki Timelines headquarters?

    Tiki-Toki Timelines is headquartered at 27 Old Gloucester Street, London, England, United Kingdom

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