flag sign

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flag sign

bands of discoloration of hair (reddish, blond, or gray, depending on original color) resulting from fluctuations in nutrition characteristic of kwashiorkor and in diseases with protein depletion such as ulcerative colitis.
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
The presence of sharply demarcated alternating bands of pigmented and depigmented as well as thicker and thinner hair, evidence of intermittent malnutrition, which is seen in kwashiorkor or marasmus type malnutrition, or, rarely, postchemotherapy—e.g., with methotrexate—alcoholism and other conditions
Segen's Medical Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Early diagnosis requires: a high index of suspicion, recognising high-risk groups and recognising the red flag signs of childhood cancer.
It is hoped the collection will go on permanent display in the clubhouse within the coming weeks, along with a pin flag signed by all of the tournament's former winners, which include Seve Ballesteros, Tiger Woods, Rory McIlroy and Ernie Els.
Remy, who has been a central administrative figure in the past several Ryder Cup matches, donated to the club an official Ryder Cup golf bag and a flag signed by the U.S.
"These 33 miner-heroes, with their iron will, their spirit, their fight, their strength, are an example to all of us of what it means to be Chilean," Interior Ministry official Cristian Barra said, as a flag signed by the miners was raised next to the tent camp where families have held vigil.
Another flag signed by the miners flew over Camp Hope at the surface.
SAD LOSS: Our report, left, on the tributes paid after popular Kristian, above, died MANY FRIENDS: The family and friends of Kristian Marsay arrive at the church in Loftus, left, and his coffin is carried into the church, below, draped in a flag signed by his loved ones Pictures by IAN McINTYRE
Tom, a pupil at The Youth Project, will be laid to rest in a Manchester United coffin, wearing his strip and wrapped in a red and white flag signed by his friends.
Judy Woolfenden with a guitar signed by The Enemy (right), a flag signed by Jack Nicklaus and a rugby ball signed by the England rugby squad.
The items - including a golf flag signed by a Ryder Cup team and a signed Arsenal football strip - were swiped from a house in Peterhead, Aberdeenshire, before they could be sold at auction.