Does Netflix Send Notifications When Someone Logs into Your Account?

Are you worried that someone else is accessing your Netflix account without your permission? Read on to learn whether Netflix notifies you of unauthorized login attempts, how to check who is connected to your account, and how to secure your account from hackers.

Does Netflix Notify You of Unauthorized Login Attempts?

Yes, Netflix recognizes all new devices attempting to log into your account. If someone logs in from an unfamiliar device, you will receive an email notification. It’s a good idea to change your password immediately in such cases. Make sure you have access to the email you use to log in to your Netflix account to receive notifications. The Signs of unauthorized access are the viewing history of content that was not you, a new profile, or unknown IP addresses in the account settings.

Is It Okay to Share Your Netflix Account?

Sharing your Netflix account with friends and family is allowed, as even Netflix’s CEO has encouraged it. However, keep in mind that Netflix’s pricing tiers limit the number of simultaneous streams allowed. Ensure that you trust the people you share your account with to prevent your account from being misused.

How to Check Who Is Connected to Your Netflix Account

  1. Log into Netflix using your credentials.
  2. Select your username and go to your account.
  3. Select “Activity View.”
  4. Click “Recent Device Streaming Activity.”
  5. You’ll see the date and time, country, and status of all devices connected to your account along with their IP addresses and device types. If you notice any entries that don’t match your information or that of your trusted sharers, it’s likely that your account has been breached.
  6. Change your password immediately and log out of all connected devices. If your device is stolen, use Netflix’s tracking feature to locate it.

How to Secure Your Netflix Account

Use a Strong Password

Create a unique password that’s at least ten characters long, uses upper and lower case letters, symbols, and numbers, and avoid using any personal information. Change your password regularly.

Use Antivirus Software

Run antivirus or antimalware software periodically to prevent your password from being accessed through malware or viruses.

Report Suspicious Activities

Netflix does not take personal information via email, and any email asking for your personal or account information is likely a phishing attempt. Report such emails or activities directly to Netflix.

Limit Sharing

While sharing may be caring, avoid sharing your Netflix account with strangers and people you do not trust. It can be inconvenient or costly if you are paying for someone else’s binge-watching.


1. Does Netflix alert you when someone else uses your account?

Yes, Netflix will send you an email notification if someone logs in to your account from an unfamiliar device.

2. Can I share my Netflix account with multiple people?

Yes, you can share your Netflix account with multiple people. However, Netflix’s pricing tiers allow for a limited number of simultaneous streams, so keep that in mind.

Follow these tips to keep your Netflix account secure and prevent unauthorized access. Remember to check your account regularly for any suspicious activities or connected devices and change your password frequently.

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