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Clinical Resource Toolkit: PEPID

Clinical toolkit of resources commonly used in the 3rd and 4th year


How do I access PEPID at UCF COM Health Sciences Library?

PEPID can be accessed from the link in the Resources box below, or through the Health Sciences Library website:

  • By selecting Online Databases in the right navigation menu of the website & searching for "PEPID."



Resource Link

Other Useful Links

PEPID Support

Additional support resources are available through PEPID's Technical Support page. PEPID's Tech Support Team can also be contacted directly via phone or email.

PEPID Tech Support Team Contact Information

Library Support

If you have any questions or need additional support with any of the library's resources, you can stop by and visit the Health Sciences Library Front Desk during our desk hours of 8:00am - 5:00pm, Monday through Friday, or contact the Library using one of the options below.


What is PEPID?

PEPID is a reference tool for all healthcare professionals. PEPID (Portable Emergency and Primary-care Information Database) saves time, and improves care where it is needed the most, by providing drug databases, dosing calculators, disease profiles, and symptom checkers to clinicians.

What can I use PEPID for?

PEPID contains a Differential Diagnosis Generator that allows users to create a differential diagnosis based on Symptoms, Physical Exam, and Test findings. The results are returned on a scale of 1 to 5; with 5 being the most likely diagnosis. Results can be fine-tuned with:

  • Sub-Symptoms: symptoms with a "+" indicate sub-symptoms that can be selected
  • Filters: Gender, Age, Severity, Etiology, & Onset

Users can search for Diseases on PEPID by simply typing the disease or condition in the search bar. The drop-down menu next to the search bar allows users to limit search results to diseases.

PEPID provides a number of features and tools for Drugs including:

Drug Database Dosing calculators are built into the drug entries
Drug Interaction Checker Checks: Prescriptions, OTCs, Herbal, Supplemental, and Foods
Interaction Severity Scale: 1 (Minor/insignificant interaction) to 5 (Never use combination)
Drug-Allergy Checker Checks allergies against drugs; Allergic Reactions indicated by "stop" signs.
Each reaction can be opened for further information regarding the specific reaction.
IV Compatibility Tool Checks IV vs. drug reactions in the same manner as the Drug Interaction Checker.
Pill Identification Tool Uses physical pill characteristics (Imprint, Score, Shape, & Colors) to identify pills.
Search results return information & images on pills; images can be enlarged for details

PEPID provides a wide variety of Medical Calculators that are usually built into their content entries. The calculators are also accessible from the main page or via the navigation tabs at the top of the page. Calculators can be found by Alphabetical Index or by the following Sections:

  • Anatomic: Cardiovascular, Gastrointestinal, etc.
  • Renal & Electrolytes: Renal Function, Electrolytes, etc.
  • Metabolic: Weight & Mass, Energy, etc.
  • Hematologic: Hemophilia, Reticulocyte, etc.
  • Pediatric: APGAR, BMI Percentiles, etc.
  • Conversions: Weight, Volume, Temperature, etc.
  • Scores: Assessments & Scores
  • Other: Ascites, Burns, Intravenous, etc.

The PEPID Lab Manual provides critical values & normal ranges for common lab tests. The Lab Manual can be searched by Section: Anatomic/Systemic/Toxicologic or by Alphabetical Index. The Lab Manual provides:

  • Test Description
  • Normal Reference Ranges
  • Interpretation of Results
  • Related Tests & Testing Strategies
  • Equations
  • Physiology
  • Technical Information (Specimen Collection/Methodology/Accuracy)
  • References

PEPID does not provide a separate area for information on Prevention, however, each disease entry contains a sub-section on disease-specific Prevention & Screenings. This section includes information on: screening outcomes, treatments, co-morbidities, medicines, preventative measures, and suggested immunizations.

PEPID Tutorials

PEPID: Differential Diagnosis

PEPID: Lab Manual

Website Disclaimer

The University of Central Florida College of Medicine and the Harriet F. Ginsburg Health Sciences Library are not responsible for the content of the third-party (external) sites contained in this research guide. The information provided in this guide, or through links to third-party sites, is not intended as a substitute for medical or professional advice; these links are provided for the user's convenience only. The views and opinions expressed by the third-party sites do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the University of Central Florida, the UCF College of Medicine, or the Harriet F. Ginsburg Health Sciences Library.