How to make a SSL Cert without Shell and access to laptop?

So I’m using through Android. I don’t have access to a downloadable FTP and their online FTP doesn’t allow Let’s Encrypts verification files to be uploaded. This is my first time creating an SSL Certificate and need very BASIC instructions. How can I create an SSL cert using Android?

Please fill out the fields below so we can help you better.

My domain is:

I ran this command:

It produced this output:

My operating system is (include version): Android
My web server is (include version): Apache 2.4.178

My hosting provider, if applicable, is:

I can login to a root shell on my machine (yes or no, or I don’t know): Nope

I’m using a control panel to manage my site (no, or provide the name and version of the control panel): Yep

What’s the “plan” or “contract” you have with ByetHost? “Free Hosting”?

Also, they say they offer the “VistaPanel” as a control panel. You can access that panel through your Android phone I’d think, correct? Or do you use some kind of app?

The screenshot of that “VistaPanel” on their site shows a “SSL/TLS manager”, so that’s promising!

I downloaded cpanel onto my iphone but can’t login even with support.
my friend showed us the SSL requirments so we need the certificate code somehow.

Hi @Chenellet,

@Osiris was wondering if the “SSL/TLS manager” feature in the control panel offers a way to get the hosting provider to obtain the certificate for you. Is that possible, or is the “SSL/TLS manager” the part that you posted a second screenshot of (that displays your private key and CSR)?

The easiest way for people without a system administration background is probably to use a web-based client like

You can import your CSR and then follow the steps that it gives you (you will have to be able to post a specific file on your website at a specific location). At the end you will get a certificate from Let’s Encrypt.

The biggest problem with this solution is that you have to repeat the steps every 90 days (when your certificate expires).

Also… before you obtain a cert you should generate a new private key, because you included your existing private key in the screenshot above. The private key, unlike all of the other information involved in this process, must be kept secret and never posted or shared publicly. For the private key that appeared in the screenshot, the Let’s Encrypt subscriber agreement means you’re not allowed to request a certificate using it and are required to revoke any certificates that use that specific key, because posting the screenshot here would be considered to invalidate its security.

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