An Interview with Quilah Moore, PlanNet Marketing

Big dreams require a strong team and knowing when to make a change. Quilah Moore is making it happen and moving forward by educating herself, setting boundaries, defining goals, shifting her mindset, and staying motivated. As a business owner, Quilah understands the importance of self-development and what it means to push forward despite the challenges. Quilah is a PlanNet Marketing Representative.

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What You Will Learn in This Episode:

00:50 – The impact of the Coronavirus
04:30 – Knowing when to make a change
06:50 – The importance of self-development and shifting your mindset
08:30 – Redefining struggles
10:40 – Sometimes everyone has to win. Negotiating with a 5-year-old.
12:50 – Balancing work and family. Making it work and moving forward.
16:40 – Changing your mindset will, no doubt, will change your life
22:50 – Staying motivated and moving forward
24:40 – Sometimes you have to be the evidence

Links from This Episode:

Instagram: sassy__que
LinkedIn: Aquilah Moore (Become a Partner) (Book travel) (Purchase Tickets)

Tell us about your business and the services you provide.

What my business does is shows you how to receive a Confirmation # and a Check!!! PlanNet Marketing has partnered with InteleTravel, the original at-home travel agency, recognized by every major travel supplier, including the best of the best resorts and hotel brands, cruise lines, vacation companies, car rental agencies and tour operators all over the world! As a PlanNet Marketing Representative, you will offer the InteleTravel home-based travel agent business opportunity to anyone who wants to turn a passion for travel into a flexible source of income and reward! Most people don’t realize that when they purchase a trip, rental car, sports/entertainment ticket- THERE IS A COMMISSION ALREADY INCLUDED!

Tell us about you.

I am a full-time employee for a Clinical Research Organization and a single mother of two beautiful daughters and an incredible son! For years I’ve helped the closest people to me build their dreams wondering if I’d ever find my purpose… well, last year I did just that! 2019 was a MONUMENTAL year for me because not only was I introduced to PlanNet Marketing, but PlanNet Marketing had become apart of me. This opportunity has provided clarity, growth, mentorship, and an overall healthy culture for anyone who wants to WIN BIG!!! It is now my mission to not only change the financial bloodline of my own family, but to assist in changing the future of at minimum 100 families, and my long-term goal is 5,000 families! PlanNet Marketing has provided me with the tools and the leadership to serve in my purpose! I have made a decision that while I may not have come from a wealthy family, with this opportunity a wealthy family will come from me and I want to take as many people on this journey who are serious as possible! 

What advice do you have for someone just starting out?

Believe in You!!! Avoid any and ALL negativity (even in your own head)!!! Stay close to those who have like-minded goals/purpose READ!!! The best thing you can do is EDUCATE YOURSELF!

What is your definition of success?

The impact I have left once my time has come to an end.

What books, videos, etc. do you recommend for others?

The Success Principles, Jack Canfield
The 10X Rule, Grant Cardone
The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, John Maxwell

Do you have a routine you follow that you believe helps you be successful? If so, what is it?

Listening to everything motivational!

P.S. Whenever you're ready... here are a few ways I can help YOU grow YOUR business:

  1. Explore my email + group coaching membership program where small business owners learn how to balance the various demands of their life and passion for helping others.

  2. Visit the JSR Vision Academy where I share valuable and actionable content in the form of Masterclasses, ebooks, various downloads, group coaching, and more!

  3. Join The Uncomplicated CEO community where I do live trainings designed to help CEOs align their vision with simple systems and strategies.

  4. Listen to The Building Better Businesses Podcast. Here I share actionable tips and strategies you can use to become the CEO of your life and business.


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