Crownover AVLS Bank Information

Crownover AVLS Bank Information:

Student sign-on page:

Username: 6 digit ID number

password: cowboys18

This year, we are trying something new in the AVLS class. Students will be paid for their hard work in the classroom, their classroom job, and their participation in our class business - StarSkills Cafe. For their jobs, students will be paid an hourly wage ($7.50/hour) and will be given a "paycheck" every week to deposit in their online bank account. We will be using for our simulated banking experience, which will include lessons in deposits, withdrawals, interest, savings, budgets and checking account practices. With their income, students will be required to "rent" their desks, create a savings plan, and will have the ability to purchase rewards. Banking days will be on Fridays, and we hope they will learn value life skills with this new classroom system.

Summary of My Kids Bank Features:

Each MyKidsBank artificial bank operates independently and has features similar to a real online bank. The banker, bank tellers and account holders can independently and even simultaneously login to the bank from different computers.

Account holders can:

  • inspect transactions online
  • make a deposit online
  • make a withdrawal online
  • make a transfer of funds to another account online
  • redeem a bank note online

Bank notes

Bank notes may be used as bank currency or may be redeemed by account holders online to post to their account. Students earn these as a positive reward for good behavior or working hard in all their classes throughout the school. They can redeem them online through their banking page, and money is deposited into their account.