How to add events to the Calendar.

 How to add events to the Calendar.
Username: [email protected]
Password: gobiggargohome
Log in to 30 boxes.
To add an event, click on the “Detailed Entry” link.
Next, you will see three options to add an event:
1: One Time. This will place the event on the calendar once, and with whatever
information you add.
2: Repeating: This will place the event on the calendar repeating on a Daily, Weekly,
Monthly or Yearly date. You can choose a start date and an end date for all.
Daily: you can select a start and end date, or repeat every (#) of days.
Weekly: You can select which weekdays you want the event to show on. (I.e.
Monday, Wednesday and Saturday)
Monthly: Pick a date every month on which the even will show. (I.e., the 3rd of
each Month)
Yearly: Repeat the event every year on that date.
©2010 deBruyn Design + Marketing
Do not copy or redistribute this material
[email protected]
Once you are done adding your event, click the “Add Event” button.
To delete or change an event, simply find that date on the calendar, and click on the day.
©2010 deBruyn Design + Marketing
Do not copy or redistribute this material
[email protected]
Once clicked, you will see a small “trash can” and the word “edit”
Click the Trash for delete and edit to edit the event.
Once done editing, click “Update Event”
Once you are don’t adding/deleting events, they will be updated automatically on your
The RSS feeds from your blog are the only things that cannot be deleted or changed.
The feed can either be on or off.
©2010 deBruyn Design + Marketing
Do not copy or redistribute this material
[email protected]