NetTutor is a free, online tutoring for students currently enrolled...

Cabrillo College – Teaching Learning Center
Using NetTutor in Canvas
NetTutor is a free, online tutoring for students currently enrolled at Cabrillo College. Students can access
NetTutor through their Canvas course.
TIP: Use Firefox browser! It works best with the Whiteboard.
1. Go to Cabrillo College Canvas login page
2. Sign into Canvas using your
a. Username
b. Password
3. Click your course
4. On the left side of the Course Menu click “NetTutor”
1. A list of subjects should appear. You can
choose any of those subjects to start a
tutoring session.
You can see what academic subjects are
covered within each of these areas:
Cabrillo College – Teaching Learning Center
Using NetTutor in Canvas
2. After choosing a subject, a list of four types of tutoring venues will appear:
• Ask NetTutor Live 1-to-1 Help –
This will take you to a live tutor
NetTutor Q&A Center – This will
allow you to leave a question with
a tutor, then you will receive an
answer through an email at a later
NetTutor Paper Center – This
option comes up if you choose
from the topics the “NetTutor Paper Center” topic. Get help with your papers and essays
(takes about 48 hours for a review to be returned to you)
My NetTutor Tutorial Archive – This will allow you to look back at previous sessions you
had with NetTutor
3. After choosing a venue, (in
this example: Ask NetTutor
Live 1-to-1 Help venue) you
will see a screen that tells
you how many are ahead
of you.
You can watch a video on
“How to ask a tutor a
question in NetTutor”
while you wait!
A “cowbell” sound will ring
(and visual bell will display) when they are ready for you.
4. The WorldWideWhiteboard
will appear and you may begin
your tutoring session.
Cabrillo College – Teaching Learning Center
Using NetTutor in Canvas
5. Type in the “Chat” box on the bottom-right corner of the WorldWideWhiteBoard.
Use the tools on
the left-hand side
for a more options
You can save your Session into a PDF document that includes all your “pages” from your
whiteboard. Go to the menu bar: “Session > Save as pdf”
OEI NetTutor Promo Video from the California Community College Online Education Initiative - April 18, 2016 (4:42)
Check out the videos below to get an idea of how NetTutor can help you:
NetTutor Demonstration Video:
See how easy it is to access NetTutor and use the features NetTutor has to offer:
NetTutor Module:
Overview of different ways to receive tutoring including ‘Ask a NetTutor’, ‘Q&A Center’, and
the ‘Paper Center’.
How to use the Tools on NetTutor’s Whiteboard -
For Writing - Using the NetTutor Paper Center:
How to submit a paper to the NetTutor paper center, retrieve it once the paper has been
reviewed and even upload it to the NetTutor whiteboard for a live session if you have any
questions about the paper review.
For Math Tutoring: this video showcases a Math Tutoring Session:
For Economics Tutoring Session: (5:02)
For more detailed information please refer to the (pdf) NetTutor User Manual