Find answers to commonly asked questions.

How does the bot work?

The automation framework will simulate what you as a normal user would do by hand: Login to the booking website/app, check if there are sessions available and if they are earlier than the already booked ones, send out an email to the user. If you linked your Telegram account via the @cdc-camper-bot, you will also receive a Telegram notification.

Which driving centers are supported?

Currently, the Comfort Delgro Singapore Driving Centre (CDC) and Bukit Batok Driving Centre (BBDC) are supported.

For BBDC, register via the bbdc-camper-bot website.

If you are enrolled in another driving center and want to have a bot as well, get in contact with us via @cdc-camper-bot (type /support).

Which courses are supported?

Currently, 2/2A/2B/3/3A courses are supported. Private and school learners are both supported.

If you are enrolled in another course and want to have a bot as well, get in contact with us via @cdc-camper-bot (type /support).

How much do you charge for the service? And how to I pay?

The first week of usage will be for free. Afterwards, the service costs 15 SGD / month (basic plan) or 20 SGD / month (premium plan). See Pricing.

To pay, start a conversation with the Telegram @cdc-camper-bot, link your account and type /extendbasic or /extendpremium to extend your account validity.

We will also send you notifications (via email / Telegram) once your free two weeks are about to expire.

Why do I need to enter my driving center username & password for the registration?

The bot will login to the driving center booking website on your behalf to be able to send out customized notifications for you.

This is especially needed because the bot needs to be able to know which lessons you have already booked, so that it can send out notifications to you, only if there are earlier slots for you, if you have configured that option via /configure in the Telegram @cdc-camper-bot.

Some users raised concerns whether someone could deduct money from the wallet - This is not possible through the website/app, so do not worry about this.

I have changed my account details, how can I update it?

Just send us an message to @cdc-camper-bot (type /support) and we will update the data accordingly.

How can I unregister from the service?

Just send us an support request with your intention to unregister to @cdc-camper-bot(type /support) and we will remove all data.