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Dwelling Live Refresher and Instruction

Dwelling Live is the gate access software that we use here at Port Royal Plantation. It is easy to use and can help you ensure that your guest has a fast and smooth experience at the gate.

The website provides you the ability to enter your guest and select the date range for their visit.

The website for the dwellingLIVE is: https://community.dwellinglive.com/portroyalplantation.aspx

Once you enter your Email and Password, you will select by clicking the LOGIN button and you will be taken to your homepage

You are now at your homepage and by clicking on “Review my Guest List� you can change your contact information, PIN or Verbal Confirmation Code, and you can also view which member of our security staff is working the gate and the front office as well.

On the upper right hand of the screen you will find “Add Guest”, “Add Party”, “Restrict Guest”, and “Guest History”.

By selecting “Add Guest” you can enter a variety of passes which allows access to your residence.

Simply select the pass type you would like from the drop-down menu and enter your guest information and dates then select “Save”. Shortly after saving the information the security staff at the gate will be able to view and print the pass for your guest. ******** Please note Contractors will still have to purchase a pass to enter the property **********

By selecting “Add Party” you can add multiple guest with ease In the amount of time it takes to hand write the list to give to staff you can have them all in the system.

Enter a name or title for your party and dates of the gathering. The “New party List” is selected by default, from this point you can create your list by entering the first and last name of the attendees and select “Save”. You can also import your list of attendees using an Excel format. If you have weekly group meeting or gatherings at your residence and have the same attendees you select “Use previous party list” and the same individuals will be listed.

If you feel the need to restrict an individual’s access to your residence. Select “Restrict Guest”. Enter that individual’s information and select “Save”

That individual will be restricted and will show up in Red at the Gate House within seconds. This individual will not be allowed on the property under your address. The Gate Officers have been instructed not to remove the restricted status from individuals from a residence unless a PIN is given. You also have the capability to remove the restriction at any point by selecting “Edit” on the right of their name on your homepage.

Another great tool that DwellingLIVE offers is the “Guest History� You will be able to view the date and time a pass was printed

By selecting the one on the far right you see what time the pass was printed, who printed the pass and where the pass was printed.

Your home page will now look a different. You will see all of the passes and restrictions that are in the system under your profile.

Try downloading the DwellingLIVE App as well for both Apple and Google formats. You can view and enter pass and restriction right from your phone. Use the same log in information for your computer on your smartphone. You can have the same access everywhere you go, right in your hand.

If you need any additional information feel free to contact the Front Desk or the Director of Security at 843-681-5114

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