Accessing Engage


Work with your sales organization to determine the best method for accessing Oracle Engage. You can use any of the following methods:

  • Integrate Engage with your CRM
    This would allow sales users to access Engage directly from the CRM. You can embed Engage as a tab, link to it as a button, etc. Learn more.
  • Direct link
    This is a customizable link you can use to launch Engage directly.
  • Use the Oracle Eloqua Sales Tools for Microsoft Outlook add-in
    This is an add-in that your users can install on their own or your IT department can deploy to an entire organization. See Oracle Eloqua Sales Tools for Microsoft Outlook .
  • Oracle Eloqua Sales Tools for Google Chrome
    The Google Chrome extension allows sales representatives to access Profiler from their Google Chrome browser. For example, while browsing prospect websites, the sales rep can open the extension to review Eloqua contacts at that company. Resp can also access Engage directly from the extension. Learn more.

Note: Before your users can access Engage, it must be installed in your Oracle Eloqua instance. Once installed, the administrator can customize the options that appear to those using the program. Learn more about installing and configuring Engage.

Engage URLs

To access Engage , you can use one of the following types of URLs: 

  • A simplified login URL that will handle all login flows based on the user logging in and your Oracle Eloqua configuration. Using this URL, if you have SSO configured for the instance and user, then the user will be redirected to your default identity provider login screens. If you don't have SSO, the user will be prompted for their username and password. Learn more.

  • A legacy login URL that is specific to the desired login flow and security model at your organization. There is a separate login URL for auto-login, SAML login, or CVP login. Auto-login and SAML are options that support Single Sign-On (SSO). Salesforce IDP is an option for Salesforce SSO logins. Direct login is for logging in directly through Eloqua. Learn more.

Simplified login URL

To access the Engage email composer using the simplified login URL:{CompanyName}&ReturnUrl=/apps/salesTools/engage/compose

If you are embedding Engage pages into an iframe, use the following URL. Learn more.{CompanyName}&ReturnUrl=/apps/embed/salesTools/engage/compose

The following table describes the supported URL parameters you can use to further customize the login experience. In addition, you can also add Engage URL parameters to customize the compose experience. Learn more about Engage URL parameters.

Parameter Description


Your instance company name. When provided, users are not prompted to provide a company name. If the user has an existing session, they will then be logged in automatically.




The Oracle Eloqua URL to redirect to after logging in.

You must provide the SiteName parameter if you want to use this parameter.


Redirect to the Engage email compose page:

Checkframe={true or false}


Checks if the login page is being accessed from within an iframe and create a popup window if it is.

  • true checks for the frame.
  • false does not check for the frame. If the result is a displayable page that cannot be viewed in an iframe, then the user will get a block from their browser. Use only if it can be guaranteed the current user is already authenticated with the default SSO used by Oracle Eloqua to skip the popup.


Checkframe while logging into Engage:

UseDefaultSSO={true or false}


Specifies whether or not to use the default identity provider configured for your instance. Use this parameter if you have multiple identity providers and want to ensure the default identity provider is used. Learn more.

  • true to use the default SSO

  • false to prompt the user to choose the identity provider


Checkframe while logging into Engage:



The ID for the identity provider you want to use. Use this parameter if you have multiple identity providers configured for your Oracle Eloqua instance and you want to use a non-default identity provider. You can retrieve the identity provider ID from the SSO identity provider screens. Learn more.

You must provide the SiteName parameter if you want to use this parameter.



The user name and encrypted password. The password parameter is encrypted. To retrieve the encrypted version of the user password, you must open a Service Request with Oracle Support.

You must provide the SiteName parameter if you want to use the user name and password parameters.

Legacy login URLs

The following lists the legacy login URLs to access to the Engage compose page based on the desired login methods. These URLs continue to be supported. The URL you use depends on the security model implemented at your organization. Auto-login and SAML are options that support Single Sign-On (SSO). Salesforce IDP is an option for Salesforce SSO logins. Direct login is for logging in directly through Eloqua.

  • Direct:
  • Auto-login:{prefix}&Url=/apps/salesTools/engage/compose
  • SAML:{prefix}&ReturnUrl=/apps/salesTools/engage/compose
  • SFDC IDP: https://{podURL}/sso/sfdc/v1/svp.aspx?LP={prefix}&RU=/apps/salesTools/engage/compose

    Replace {podURL} with the URL in your browser after you have logged in successfully to Eloqua (for example, Click here for additional information about how to determine your pod.

LoginPrefix values are a unique four-character code for your Eloqua instance. To add this parameter to your URL, enter LoginPrefix={prefix} where {prefix} is replaced with the four-character company name. You can obtain your company's login prefix in Eloqua by navigating to Settings > Display Preferences > Company Defaults.

Tip: If SSO with Salesforce is configured, use the SAML or Salesforce IDP login URL. The SAML URL should be used if SSO with Salesforce is setup using Eloqua’s SAML capability. The Salesforce IDP login method is only supported if your organization continues to use the Salesforce native integration and has not migrated to the Salesforce Integration app. Learn more about SSO configuration.

You can also add additional Engage URL parameters to customize the Engage experience. Learn more about Engage URL parameters.

Embedding Engage pages

You can embed Engage pages into an iframe, allowing your users to access Engage directly from other apps at your organization. For example, embed Engage directly into your CRM.

To embed Engage into an iframe:

  1. Update the Engage app with an allowlist of domains that will host Engage pages. Learn more.

  2. Adjust the URLs listed above to include /embed/ in the URL:  /apps/embed/salesTools/engage/compose.

Learn more about Engage integration.

Tip: If you are using Microsoft Edge or Sales Tools for Microsoft Outlook to access the Oracle Eloqua sign in page in an iframe, an addition should be made to trusted sites. Add https://* and the URL of the site where the login page (Oracle Eloqua and/or Sales Tools) is being iframed. The browser must be closed fully and restarted before the change is recognized. For additional information, see this Topliners post about Oracle Eloqua login enhancements.

Engage URL parameters

You can add parameters to the Engage compose URL (apps/salesTools/engage/compose or apps/embed/salesTools/engage/compose) to pass in recipients, a specific template, or open a blank email.

The table below describes the parameters you can use. Parameters can be combined.


Query parameter Description


Compose a message for a specific recipient.

For multiple recipients, use commas or semicolons to separate them.


  • Compose a new message to

  • Compose a new message to multiple recipients:


Tip: If you are embedding in CRM, you can pass the email address using the appropriate lead or contact parameter from your CRM. Learn more about integration.


Open a blank email.

This option opens a blank email if the Engage administrator has allowed for blank emails. If the creation of blank emails is not allowed, the Engage template chooser opens. Learn more about configuring Engage.


  • Compose a new blank email:

  • Compose a new blank email to


Compose a message using a specific template.

To determine the templateID, open the email in Eloqua and refer to the URL. The ID is the last portion of the URL.


  • Compose a new message using template ID 581:

  • Compose a new message to using template ID 581:


Learn more


Steps to setup Engage

Installing Engage

Engage integration