Equator - Agent Portal ReDesign

The Equator Agent Portal was created to sell premium promotional services to Real Estate Agents already using the Equator Platform. This primarily includes advertisements to consumers as well as higher list placements for banks looking for Agents to represent properties. Additionally, the Agent portal was created for Agents to directly access the Equator platform that they use to receive their listings, update status, communicate with vendors, etc.

The Challenge:

  • Modernize Agent Portal Interface
  • Increase revenue generated from agent portal
  • Identify areas and ways to improve sign-up conversion and sales of premium agent services


  • Product Design
  • UX Strategy
  • User Flows
  • Low-Fidelity Comps
  • Usability Testing
  • Hi-Fidelity comps
  • Axure Prototype


Discovery / Analysis
To start the project, UX Research was conducted by Contextual Inquiries and User Interviews of existing and potential customers at the Equator booth at an industry conference. To supplement the research, a Heuristic Analysis was conducted by myself and the Product Manager of the existing interface.

– After initial UX Research the existing interface it became apparent that the signup process was very long, and asked for a significant amount of professional license info and such that people may not have on hand. – My Conclusion – Shorten sign up process

– UX Research revealed that while up-sell areas were easily accessible in in the agent portal, getting updates about work progress required some digging. My Conclusion – Bring a summary of work updates to the dashboard

– UX Research revealed that buying premium services through the portal was cumbersome, very sluggish, difficult to understand, and often resulted in confusion that had to be remedied my a phone call to customer support. My Conclusion – redesign the interface to be much clearer for the user. Work with tech team to make interface response time much faster

Wireframing – After the initial Discovery and Analysis Phase, I identified a a set of basic screens (below) as a starting point.

To address shortening the signup process, I created the following recommendation for making the signup form only a few fields, but ensuring that the agent would have sufficient understanding that they need to fully complete their profile to utilize all of the services available to agents.

Below is the Dashboard design which shows the modernized design, addition of profile completeness, and areas to quickly update agents on the progress of their work and the effectiveness of their premium services including advertising.

Buyer Connect Ads
These ads are a significant portion of the revenue generated from the agent portal, as they allow agents to advertise directly to potential homebuyers on Equator.com. Easing the burden of using this page would certainly result in higher purchases. This included adding a map for visualizing location, making a more streamlined list, and dramatically reducing the clutter on the page.

Recent Portfolios