How To Fix Android Forget WiFi Password | Keep Asking

In some situations, have to enter wifi password every time android or Android keeps asking for WiFi password every time. It can happen after rebooted the phone/tablet or disconnected and reconnected the network. This can happen due to the corrupted “DHCP” folder or “wpa_suppliciant.conf”.

We can mainly fix this Android forgets wifi password issue two ways. They are respectively resetting the phone or tablet and the second method deletes “DHCP folder and modifies the “wpa_suppliciant.conf” file. The second method needs root permission. If you don’t think it’s recommended the first method which is a hard reset. If you need to root the device you can follow this tutorial (if that tutorial shows Android 5, it can apply nearly any Android version).

In this tutorial, I’m not going to show the factory resting method. It knows almost all of them. If you like to know how to reset the device,  you can follow this step by step detail tutorial in here.


How to fix Android Keep Asking WiFi Password.

  • In order to follow this tutorial, you must have a root file manager app. I recommend the “Root Browser app” on Google Play Store. It’s free and easy to use. (Install Root Browser).
  • Open the Root Browser file manager and grant it to root permission to access your system. If you install it the first time, it may ask to install some extra files that it needs to run. Allow additional files to download.


Delete DHCP Folder.

  • Navigate to “/data/mics/” folder and rename “DHCP” folder and “DHCP-Bak” and move it to internal memory.

Modify “wpa_suppliciant.conf” File.

This file stores your all the time connected WiFI network information including SSID,

  • Then, go to “/data/mics/wifi” directory and open “wpa_suppliciant. conf” file by tapping on it.

Locatoni of WiFi config file


  • If your device has multiple text editors it shows a context menu and asks which application to use. Choose the “RB Text Editor” which is a part of the Root Browser app.
  • When the file opened, the first search if it has any duplicate WiFi SSID, in my situation I can’t see such an issue. Therefore, I deleted my WiFi SSID information in that file. Don’t delete all the network information. Just locate the network that you want to delete and select delete it.  Each network information store from “network={” to the “}” point, like the following. So only select that part.
               psk="very secret passphrase"
  • Like the following screenshot highlighted area.

Android WiFi password config file

  • Tap the Save button and reboot the phone.
  • Now sometimes it may again ask for your WiFi password. (Because you modified the configuration file).


IF this method will not work and keep Android ask the WiFi password, you have to do only resetting the device.

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