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FWISD Parent Portal


FOCUS is the Fort Worth ISD student information system. Students and parents can access FOCUS to view grades and attendance. The data in FOCUS are in real-time.


Click here to login


Parents: You will create an account using your email and a password of your choice by clicking here:


Login Instructions for 2nd-5th Grade Students

Example: John Doe at campus #229 (Overton Park Elementary) with a student ID of 123456

User Name: (the “s” stands for student followed by the student ID #) Password: JoDo.229 (First two letters of first name, first two letters of last name .229) The first and third character must be capitalized.


Login Instructions for KG-1st Grade Students

Example: John Doe at campus 229 (Overton Park Elementary) with a student ID of 123456

User Name: (the “s” stands for student followed by the student ID #) Password: S123456 (the “S” must be capitalized).


For an explanation of report card codes, please click here.

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