JBoss.orgCommunity Documentation

Chapter 10. Errai UI

10.1. Get started
10.2. Use Errai UI Composite components
10.2.1. Inject a single instance
10.2.2. Inject multiple instances (for iteration)
10.3. Create a @Templated Composite component
10.3.1. Basic component
10.3.2. Custom template names
10.4. Create an HTML template
10.4.1. Select a template from a larger HTML file
10.5. Use other Widgets in a composite component
10.5.1. Annotate Widgets in the template with @DataField
10.5.2. Add corresponding attributes to the HTML template
10.6. How HTML templates are merged with Components
10.6.1. Example
10.6.2. Element attributes (template wins)
10.6.3. DOM Elements (component field wins)
10.6.4. Inner text and inner HTML (preserved when component implements HasText or HasHTML)
10.7. Event handlers
10.7.1. Concepts
10.7.2. GWT events on Widgets
10.7.3. GWT events on DOM Elements
10.7.4. Native DOM events on Elements
10.8. HTML Form Support
10.8.1. A Login Form that Triggers Browsers' "Remember Password" Feature
10.8.2. Using the Correct Elements in the Template
10.9. Data Binding
10.9.1. Default, Simple, and Chained Property Bindings
10.9.2. Binding of Lists
10.9.3. Data Converters
10.10. Nest Composite components
10.11. Extend Composite components
10.11.1. Template
10.11.2. Parent component
10.11.3. Child component
10.12. Stylesheet binding
10.12.1. Usage with Data Binding
10.13. Internationalization (i18n)
10.13.1. HTML Template Translation
10.13.2. TranslationKey and TranslationService
10.14. Extended styling with LESS

One of the primary complaints of GWT to date has been that it is difficult to use "pure HTML" when building and skinning widgets. Inevitably one must turn to Java-based configuration in order to finish the job. Errai, however, strives to remove the need for Java styling. HTML template files are placed in the project source tree, and referenced from custom "Composite components" (Errai UI Widgets) in Java. Since Errai UI depends on Errai IOC and Errai CDI, dependency injection is supported in all custom components. Errai UI provides rapid prototyping and HTML5 templating for GWT.

The Errai UI module is directly integrated with Data Binding and Errai JPA but can also be used as a standalone project in any GWT client application by simply inheriting the Errai UI GWT module, and ensuring that you have properly using Errai CDI’s @Inject to instantiate your widgets:

Plugin Tip

Use the Errai Forge Addon Add Errai Features command and select Errai UI to follow along with this section.

Manual Setup

Checkout the Manual Setup Section for instructions on how to manually add Errai UI to your project. If you work better by playing with a finished product, you can see a simple client-server project implemented using Errai UI here .

Before explaining how to create Errai UI components, it should be noted that these components behave no differently from any other GWT Widget once built. The primary difference is in A) their construction, and B) their instantiation. As with most other features of Errai, dependency injection with CDI is the programming model of choice, so when interacting with components defined using Errai UI, you should always @Inject references to your Composite components.

Custom components in Errai UI are single classes extending from com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Composite , and must be annotated with @Templated.

Templates in Errai UI may be designed either as an HTML snippet or as a full HTML document. You can even take an existing HTML page and use it as a template. With either approach, the id , class , and data-field attributes in the template identify elements by name. These elements and their children are used in the Composite component to add behavior, and use additional components to add functionality to the template. There is no limit to how many component classes may share a given HTML template.

We will begin by creating a simple HTML login form to accompany our @Templated LoginForm composite component.

  <legend>Log in to your account</legend>

  <label for="username">Username</label>
  <input id="username" type="text" placeholder="Username">

  <label for="password">Password</label>
  <input id="password" type="password" placeholder="Password">

  <button>Log in</button>

Or as a full HTML document which may be more easily previewed during design without running the application; however, in this case we must also specify the location of our component’s root DOM Element using a "data-field" , id , or class attribute matching the value of the @Templated annotation. There is no limit to how many component classes may share a given HTML template.


public class LoginForm extends Composite {
   /* Specifies that <... id="login-form"> be used as the root Element of this Widget  */

Notice the corresponding HTML id attribute in the form Element below (we could have used data-field or class instead). Note that multiple components may use the same template provided that they specify a corresponding data-field , id , or class attribute. Also note that two or more components may share the same DOM elements; there is no conflict since components each receive a unique copy of the template DOM rooted at the designated element at runtime (or from the root element if a fragment is not specified.)

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <title>A full HTML snippet</title>
        <form id="login-form">
          <legend>Log in to your account</legend>

          <label for="username">Username</label>
          <input id="username" type="text" placeholder="Username">

          <label for="username">Password</label>
          <input id="password" type="password" placeholder="Password">

          <button>Log in</button>

    <footer id="theme-footer">
        <p>(c) Company 2012</p>

For example’s sake, the component below could also use the same template. All it needs to do is reference the template name, and specify a fragment.


public class Footer extends Composite {
   /* Specifies that <... id="theme-footer"> be used as the root Element of this Widget  */

Now that we have created the @Templated Composite component and an HTML template, we can start wiring in functionality and behavior; this is done by annotating fields and methods to replace specific sub-elements of the template DOM with other Widgets. We can even replace portions of the template with other Errai UI Widgets!

Each @DataField reference in the Java class must match an element in the HTML template. The matching of Java references to HTML elements is performed as follows:

   <div class="eat drink be-merry">

matches Java references named eat , drink , or be-merry .

If more than one Java reference matches the same HTML element in the template, it is an error. For example, given a template containing the element <div class="eat drink be-merry"> , the following Java code is in error:


public class ErroneousTemplate extends Composite {
 @Inject @DataField
 private Label eat;
 @Inject @DataField
 private Label drink;

because both fields eat and drink refer to the same HTML div element.

So now we must ensure there are data-field , id , or class attributes in the right places in our template HTML file. This, combined with the @DataField annotation in our Composite component allow Errai UI to determine where and what should be composited when creating component instances.

<form id="form">
  <legend>Log in to your account</legend>

  <label for="username">Username</label>
  <input id="username" type="text" placeholder="Username">

  <label for="password">Password</label>
  <input data-field="pass" id="password" type="password" placeholder="Password">

  <button id="submit">Log in</button>

Now, when we run our application, we will be able to interact with these fields in our Widget.

Three things are merged or modified when Errai UI creates a new Composite component instance:

Dealing with User and DOM Events is a reality in rich web development, and Errai UI provides several approaches for dealing with all types of browser events using its "quick handler" functionality. It is possible to handle:

The last approach is handles the case where native DOM events must be handled, but no such GWT event handler exists for the given event type. Alternatively, it can also be used for situations where Elements in the template should receive events, but no handle to the Element the component class is necessary (aside from the event handling itself.) Native DOM events do not require a corresponding @DataField be configured in the class; only the HTML data-field , id , or class template attribute is required.

   <a id="link" href="/page">this is a hyperlink</a>
   <div data-field="div"> Some content </div>

The @SinkNative annotation specifies (as a bit mask) which native events the method should handle; this sink behaves the same in Errai UI as it would with DOM.sinkEvents(Element e, int bits). Note that a @DataField reference in the component class is optional.


public class QuickHandlerComponent extends Composite {
  private AnchorElement link = DOM.createAnchor().cast();
  @SinkNative(Event.ONCLICK | Event.ONMOUSEOVER)
  public void doSomething(Event e) {
    // do something
  public void doSomethingElse(Event e) {
    // do something else

Using asynchronous Javascript calls often make realizing the benefits of modern browsers difficult when it comes to form submission. But there is now a base class in Errai UI for creating @Templated form widgets that are perfect for tasks such as creating a login form.

Here is a sample @Templated login form class. This form has:


public class LoginForm extends AbstractForm { 
  private Caller<AuthenticationService> authenticationServiceCaller;
  private TextBox username;
  private PasswordTextBox password;
  private final FormElement form = DOM.createForm(); 
  private Button login; 
  protected FormElement getFormElement() {
    return form; 
  private void loginClicked(ClickEvent event) {
    authenticationServiceCaller.call(new RemoteCallback<User>() {
      public void callback(User response) {
        // Now that we're logged in, submit the form
    }).login(username.getText(), password.getText());

The key things that you should take from this example:


The class extends org.jboss.errai.ui.client.widget.AbstractForm.


The form field is a @DataField but it is not injected.


The login button is a regular button widget, with a click handling method below.


The getFormElement method inherited from AbstractForm must return the FormElement that will be submitted.


After the user has successfully logged in asynchronously we call submit(). This causes form submission to happen in a way that will not cause the page to refresh, but will still properly notify the browser of a form submission.

When a user successfully logs in via this example, the web browser should prompt them to remember the username and password (assuming this is a feature of the browser being used).

A recurring implementation task in rich web development is writing event handler code for updating model objects to reflect input field changes in the user interface. The requirement to update user interface fields in response to changed model values is just as common. These tasks require a significant amount of boilerplate code which can be alleviated by Errai. Errai’s data binding module provides the ability to bind model objects to user interface fields, so they will automatically be kept in sync. While the module can be used on its own, it can cut even more boilerplate when used together with Errai UI.

In the following example, all @DataFields annotated with @Bound have their contents bound to properties of the data model (a User object). The model object is injected and annotated with @Model, which indicates automatic binding should be carried out. Alternatively, the model object could be provided by an injected DataBinder instance annotated with @AutoBound , see Declarative Binding for details.


public class LoginForm extends Composite {
   private User user;
   private TextBox name;
   private PasswordTextBox password;
   private Button submit = new Button();

Now the user object and the username and password fields in the UI are automatically kept in sync. No event handling code needs to be written to update the user object in response to input field changes and no code needs to be written to update the UI fields when the model object changes. So, with the above annotations in place, it will always be true that user.getUsername().equals(username.getText()) and user.getPassword().equals(password.getText()) .

By default, bindings are determined by matching field names to property names on the model object. In the example above, the field name was automatically bound to the JavaBeans property name of the model ( user object). If the field name does not match the model property name, you can use the property attribute of the @Bound annotation to specify the name of the property. The property can be a simple name (for example, "name") or a property chain (for example, user.address.streetName). When binding to a property chain, all properties but the last in the chain must refer to @Bindable values.

The following example illustrates all three scenarios:


public class Address {
  private String line1;
  private String line2;
  private String city;
  private String stateProv;
  private String country;
  // getters and setters
public class User {
  private String name;
  private String password;
  private Date dob;
  private Address address;
  private List<Role> roles;
  // getters and setters
public class UserWidget extends Composite {
  @Inject @AutoBound DataBinder<User> user;
  @Inject @Bound TextBox name;
  @Inject @Bound("dob") DatePicker dateOfBirth;
  @Inject @Bound("address.city") TextBox city;

In UserWidget above, the name text box is bound to user.name using the default name matching; the dateOfBirth date picker is bound to user.dob using a simple property name mapping; finally, the city text box is bound to user.address.city using a property chain. Note that the Address class is required to be @Bindable in this case.

Often you will need to bind a list of model objects so that every object in the list is bound to a corresponding widget. This task can be accomplished using Errai UI’s ListWidget class. Here’s an example of binding a list of users using the UserWidget class from the previous example. First, we need to enhance UserWidget to implement HasModel .


public class UserWidget extends Composite implements HasModel<User> {
  @Inject @AutoBound DataBinder<User> userBinder;
  @Inject @Bound TextBox name;
  @Inject @Bound("dob") DatePicker dateOfBirth;
  @Inject @Bound("address.city") TextBox city;
  public User getModel() {
  public void setModel(User user) {

Now we can use UserWidget to display items in a list.


public class MyComposite extends Composite {
  @Inject @DataField ListWidget<User, UserWidget> userListWidget;
  public void init() {
    List<User> users = .....

Calling setItems on the userListWidget causes an instance of UserWidget to be displayed for each user in the list. The UserWidget is then bound to the corresponding user object. By default, the widgets are arranged in a vertical panel. However, ListWidget can also be subclassed to provide alternative behaviour. In the following example, we use a horizontal panel to display the widgets.

public class UserListWidget extends ListWidget<User, UserWidget> {

  public UserList() {
    super(new HorizontalPanel());
  public void init() {
    List<User> users = .....
  public Class<UserWidget> getItemWidgetType() {
    return UserWidget.class;

The @Bound annotation further allows to specify a converter to use for the binding (see Specifying Converters for details). This is how a binding specific converter can be specified on a data field:


private TextBox date;

Errai’s DataBinder also allows to register PropertyChangeHandlers for the cases where keeping the model and UI in sync is not enough and additional logic needs to be executed (see Property Change Handlers for details).

Using Composite components to build up a hierarchy of widgets functions exactly the same as when building hierarchies of GWT widgets. The only distinction might be that with Errai UI, @Inject is preferred to manual instantiation.


public class ComponentOne extends Composite {
   private ComponentTwo two;

Templating would not be complete without the ability to inherit from parent templates, and Errai UI also makes this possible using simple Java inheritance. The only additional requirement is that Composite components extending from a parent Composite component must also be annotated with @Templated, and the path to the template file must also be specified in the child component’s annotation. Child components may specify @DataField references that were omitted in the parent class, and they may also override @DataField references (by using the same data-field name) that were already specified in the parent component.

When developing moderately-complex web applications with Errai, you may find yourself needing to do quite a bit of programmatic style changes. One common case is showing or enabling controls only if a user has the necessary permissions to use them. One part of the problem is securing those features from being used, and the other part which is an important usability consideration is communicating that state to the user.

Let’s start with the example case I just described. We have a control that we only want to be visible if the user is an admin. So the first thing we do is create a style binding annotation.


public @interface Admin {

This defines Admin as a stylebinding now we can use it like this:


public class HelloWorldForm extends Composite {
  @Inject @Admin @DataField Button deleteButton;
  @Inject SessionManager sessionManager;
  private void handleSendClick(ClickEvent event) {
    // do some deleting!
  private void applyAdminStyling(Style style) {
    if (!sessionManager.isAdmin()) {

Now before the form is shown to the user the applyAdminStyling method will be executed where the sessionManager is queried to see if the user is an admin if not the delete button that is also annotated with @Admin will be hidden from the view.

The above example took at Style object as a parameter, but it is also possible to use an Element. So the applyAdminStyling method above could have also been written like this:


  private void applyAdminStyling(Element element) {
    if (!sessionManager.isAdmin()) {

The CSS class "disabled" could apply the same style as before ("visibility: hidden") or it could have more complex behaviour that is dependent on the element type.

User interfaces often need to be available in different languages. Errai’s i18n support makes it easier for you to publish your web app in multiple languages. This section explains how to use this feature in your application.

To get started with Errai’s internationalization support, simply put the @Bundle("bundle.json") annotation on your entry point and add an empty bundle.json file to your classpath (e.g. to src/main/java or src/main/resources). Of course, you can name it differently.

Errai will scan your HTML templates and process all text elements to generate key/value pairs for translation. It will generate a file called errai-bundle-all.json and put it in your .errai directory. You can copy this generated file and use it as a starting point for your custom translation bundles. If the text value is longer than 128 characters the key will get cut off and a hash appended at the end.

The translation bundle files use the same naming scheme as Java (e.g. bundle_nl_BE.json for Belgian Dutch and bundle_nl.json for plain Dutch). Errai will also generate a file called errai-bundle-missing.json in the .errai folder containing all template values for which no translations have been defined. You can copy the key/value pairs out of this file to create our own translations:


"StoresPage.Stores!" : "Stores!",
"WelcomePage.As_you_move_toward_a_more_and_more_declarative_style,_you_allow_the_compiler_and_the_framework_to_catch_more_mistakes_up_front._-734987445" : "As you move toward a more and more declarative style, you allow the compiler and the framework to catch more mistakes up front. Broken links? A thing of the past!"

If you want to use your own keys instead of these generated ones you can specify them in your templates using the data-i18n-key attribute:

  <div id="content">
  <p data-i18n-key="welcome">Welcome to errai-ui i18n.</p>

By adding this attribute in the template you can translate it with the following:


    "Widget.welcome": "Willkommen bei Errai-ui i18n."

Because your templates are designer templates and can contain some mock data that doesn’t need to be translated, Errai has the ability to indicate that with an attribute data-role=dummy :

<div id=navbar data-role=dummy>
  <div class="navbar navbar-fixed-top">
    <div class=navbar-inner>
      <div class=container>
        <span class=brand>Example Navbar</span>
        <ul class=nav>

Here the template fills out a navbar with dummy elements, useful for creating a design, adding data-role=dummy will not only exclude it form being translated it will also strip the children nodes from the template that will be used by the application.

When you have setup a translation of your application Errai will look at the browser locale and select the locale, if it’s available, if not it will use the default ( bundle.json ). If the users of your application need to be able to switch the language manually, Errai offers a pre build component you can easily add to your page: LocaleListBox will render a Listbox with all available languages. If you want more control of what this language selector looks like there is also a LocaleSelector that you can use to query and select the locale for example:


public class NavBar extends Composite {
  private LocaleSelector selector;
  @Inject @DataField @OrderedList
  ListWidget<Locale, LanguageItem> language;
  public void buildLanguageList() {
    language.setItems(new ArrayList<Locale>(selector.getSupportedLocales()));
// in LanguageItem we add a click handler on a link
  Navigation navigation;
  private LocaleSelector selector;
  link.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
      public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {

The @TranslationKey annotation and TranslationService class extend Errai’s i18n support to Java code. They provide a mechanism for developers to declare translation strings from within their GWT application code (as opposed to the HTML templates).

To do this, developers must annotate a field which represents the translation key with @TranslationKey annotation. This key will then map to a value in the translation bundle file. Once the field is annotated appropriately, the developer must directly invoke the TranslationService’s format() method. This method call will perform a lookup in the translation service of the value mapped to the provided key. Note that value substitution using the {N} format is supported.

As an example, consider the following code:

package org.example.ui.client.local;

public class AppMessages {
   @TranslationKey(defaultValue = "I guess something happened!")
   public static final String CUSTOM_MESSAGE = "app.custom-message";
   @TranslationKey(defaultValue = "Hey {0}, I just told you something happened!")
   public static final String CUSTOM_MESSAGE_WITH_NAME = "app.custom-message-with-name";
package org.example.ui.client.local;

public class CustomComponent extends Composite {
   private TranslationService translationService;
   private Button someAction;
   private void doLogin(ClickEvent event) {
      // do some action that may require a notification sent to the user
      String messageToUser = translationService.format(AppMessages.CUSTOM_MESSAGE);
      String username = getCurrentUserName();
      String messageToUserWithName = translationService.format(AppMessages.CUSTOM_MESSAGE_WITH_NAME, username);

Errai also supports LESS stylesheets. To get started using these you’ll have to create a LESS stylesheet and place it on the classpath of your project and declare their ordering with the StyleDescriptor annotation. Every application should have 0 or 1 classes annotated with StyleDescriptor like the following example:

package org.jboss.errai.example;

@StyleDescriptor({ "/main.less", "other.css" })
public class MyStyleDescriptor {

The two files listed above, main.less and other.css, will be compiled into a single stylesheet by Errai. The relative path for other.css will be loaded relative to the package org.jboss.errai.example.

Do Not Declare Imported Stylesheets

It is only necessary to declare top-level stylesheets with the StyleDescriptor. If a CSS or LESS resource is only meant to be imported by another LESS stylesheet, then it need only be on the classpath.

Errai will convert the LESS stylesheet to css, perform optimisations on it, and ensure that is get injected into the pages of your application. It will also obfuscate the class selectors and replace the use of those in your templates. To be able to use the selectors in your code you can use:

public class MyComponent extends Component {

  private LessStyle lessStyle;
  private void init() {

Finally it will also add any deferred binding properties to the top of your LESS stylesheet, so for example you could use the user.agent in LESS like this:

.mixin (@a) when (@a = "safari") {

  background-color: black;
.mixin (@a) when (@a = "gecko1_8") {
  background-color: white;
.class1 { .mixin(@user_agent) }

Because a dot is not allowed in LESS variables it’s replaced with an underscore, so in the example above class1 will have a black background on Safari and Chrome and white on Firefox. On the top of this LESS stylesheet @user_agent: "safari" will get generated.