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Easily adjust your Yahoo sign-in options with this simple guide
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Do you want to manage your Yahoo account settings? You can easily access your security settings to adjust your account security, enable two-step verification, and manage your saved login information. Changing these options can help keep your account secure. This wikiHow will show you how to change your Yahoo sign in settings, 2-step verification, and saved devices.

Things You Should Know

  • To enable 2-step verification, go to "Settings", "Account Security", then click "Turn on 2SV".
  • Generate an app password by going to "Settings", "Account Security", then "Generate app password".
  • Remove your login information by going to the sign in page. Click the three dots beside your email, then "Remove from this device".
Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Activating 2-Step Verification

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  1. Navigate to the Yahoo website in your web browser. You can use Google Chrome, Safari, Mozilla Firefox, or another browser.[1]
  2. This will be next to the search bar.
  3. This will be in the top-right, next to the search bar.
  4. Settings will be next to a cog icon. By default, you'll see your Personal Info page.
  5. This will open a new page.
  6. This will be underneath This is how you sign in now and Password.
    • A new window will open.
  7. You can choose Phone number, Authenticator App, or Security Key.
    • Phone number: You will receive a code via text to confirm your identity.
    • Authenticator App: You'll need to enter a code generated by an authenticator app to confirm your identity.
    • Security key: This is a physical authentication device that can be used to verify your identity via Bluetooth or by plugging it directly into your device.
  8. If you don't already have two verified recovery methods on your account, you'll receive a pop-up window to add a recovery method.
    • You may be prompted to enter the phone number you used to sign up for your account.
    • Enter a valid recovery email and a new phone number. Click Add.
  9. You'll be asked to verify your identity with the provided code. This will be sent in the method you chose previously.
    • Once verified, click Continue, then Done.
    • You'll be taken back to the Account Security page. 2-Step Verification will say ON.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Generating App Password

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  1. Navigate to the Yahoo website in your web browser. You can use Google Chrome, Safari, Mozilla Firefox, or another browser.
    • You can use this method to generate a password for third-party apps that require passwords to sign in.
  2. This will be next to the search bar.
  3. This will be in the top-right, next to the search bar.
  4. Settings will be next to a cog icon. By default, you'll see your Personal Info page.
  5. This will open a new page.
  6. This will be underneath Other ways to sign in and App Password.
  7. A new window will open.
  8. Use the field to input the app name.
    • You may be asked to login again to confirm your identity.
    • Yahoo will generate a new app password.
  9. Return to the app's login screen. Copy the app password and paste it into the password field.
  10. Advertisement
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Managing Saved Accounts

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  1. Navigate to the Yahoo website in your web browser. You can use Google Chrome, Safari, Mozilla Firefox, or another browser.[2]
  2. This will be next to the search bar. If you're already logged in, you must log out first.
  3. This will be next to your email address and your name.
  4. Yahoo will remove your login information. You'll need to enter your login manually next time you sign in.
  5. Advertisement

Community Q&A

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    How do I change the name and initials on my account?
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    If you want to change the name and initials on your account, go to the My Account page and go to the Personal Info section. Press your Personal Info and find the space that shows your name. Click it; you should be taken to a page with your name and an Edit icon that looks like a pencil. Click the pencil to change your name.
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About This Article

Rain Kengly
Co-authored by:
wikiHow Technology Writer
This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Rain Kengly. Rain Kengly is a wikiHow Technology Writer. As a storytelling enthusiast with a penchant for technology, they hope to create long-lasting connections with readers from all around the globe. Rain graduated from San Francisco State University with a BA in Cinema. This article has been viewed 117,927 times.
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Updated: September 27, 2023
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