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Washington Gas has 'fallen short' for thousands of customers with online payment issues

 –  Assistant Managing Editor, Washington Business Journal

Thousands of Washington Gas Light Co. customers in Greater Washington are unable to pay their bills online because of technical issues with the company’s payment portal, according to the Washington City Paper.

A Washington Gas (NYSE: WGL) spokesperson said about 15,000 of the utility company’s eService accounts had remaining issues that prevented customers from submitting online payments, according to the report. The issues have led to service suspensions for some customers.

"We are committed to delivering a better online experience and regret that we have fallen short for many of our customers," Washington Gas said in a statement provided to the City Paper. The company has more than 1 million customers across the region.

The company told the City Paper it continues to communicate with affected users to resolve billing issues and to provide alternative ways to make payments. No late fees will be charged, according to the company statement, and the company will offer payment plans for affected customers to spread account balances over time.

Customers can pay their bills via debit or credit cards at 1-800-823-9200 or with check or credit card through an automated payment line at 703-750-7944.