StarDoll Cheats

Welcome to the only page on this website that is filled with Stardoll. What is Stardoll, you ask? Well, it’s a brilliant website for mainly girls but there are some boys in it. I highly recommend it to you and for info go here:

If you DO know what Stardoll is a and want to find Free items, new stuff and tutorials and guides, read on! Here we go!

Free Items:

To get the Bags, do this:
1. Enter
2. After the u= put your Stardoll Medoll code/number (to find it, scroll down)
3. Fill in the form with fake info or if you want, real and then sub to them, go back to normal Stardoll and the bags ‘ll be there!

There are two new BNTM dress’s out! Well, one isn’t actually ready to buy but we still have the red one! This is what it looks like:
Pretty nice, eh? How you get it, you ask? Well…
1. If you are in a country that is NOT the UK, use
2. Paste: in the URL box and click go
3. Login to Stardoll and wait for the page to load
4. Close the tab and it will be waiting for you in you suite!

Shreck lolly pop + skull
1. If you are not in the UK, use a proxy like
2. Paste: and click go
3. Login
4. Scroll down t Shop & Gift’ and choose your gift (lolly pop or skull)
They will be waiting in your suite!
Also, if yo want the Shreck oger skin and ears, follow these steps!
1. Go to again if you are not in the UK
2. Paste: in the URL space and click Go
3. Login and find Gingy (the gingerbread man) on the poster below:

4. Go back to Stardoll and it will e in your suite!

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