How to Find Your Dominant Sign, Planet, Element and Mode.

Want to figure out how to find you dominant sign, planet, element and mode? Look no further because here is a descriptive and visual guide to help you walk through the process!

Step 1: Got to, this website is full of information that can help you understand your birth-chart more extensively. You should see the homepage and a few tags to select on you are on the site. You want to hover over “Free Horoscope” then select “Extended Chart Selection”.


Step 2: You will need to fill in you “Birth Data” which means your date of birth, time of birth and location of birth. I already have my information saved into this site but you should see a empty “Birth Data Entry” if you haven’t done so already. If somebody else in your household used the site you can just click “Add a New Person” to get started. Press continue when you are done. 


Step 3: The default option is the Circular charts but that won’t give us the information we want. Select “Pullen/Astrolog” on the right. 


Step 4: This is the last step to do in order to see our dominant signs, planets, elements and. Click on the pull down menu for “Select Chart Type” and from their click on the last option given which is “Simple Chart Delineation by Walter Pullen”. After that click on the blue button that says “Click Here to Show the Chart”.


Step 5 (The Results): You are going to be greeted by a large amount of text that goes into detail about you placements. You are welcomed to read that, but that is not where you will see you dominant placements. Scroll down until you see the chart that is pictured below or do “Control+F” and type in “Rank” to be taken right to it. The number next to the placement is the order from most dominant to least dominate in your birth-chart.  


The “blue” underline the planets’s power, the “purple” underline is the signs’s power, the “yellow” underline is the elements and the “green” underline is your mode”. Pay attention to the column under the “red” underline: that is your ranking of dominance. 

And there you have it, you have successfully found out your dominant sign, planet, elements and mode. Remember this does not change what you sun sign is so keep that in mind. In astrology your sun sign is the most important part of your birth chart and those elements of your sun sign is the most considered in birth-chart readings and can be more accurate as to who you are.

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