Edit your user account information

You can update your user account information for Mastering, such as your email address or your password, anytime after you register.

To edit your account information:

  1. Sign in to the Mastering sign-in page for your discipline (such as www.pearson.com/mastering/biology, www.pearson.com/mastering/chemistry, and so on).
  2. Choose your name in the upper right.
  3. Select Edit Profile.
  4. Enter your username and password again, and then choose Log In.
  5. Click Edit Account Information, make your edits, and click Save.

    Allow an hour or so for changes to propagate through the system, more at the beginning of a term.

  6. To have a copy of your settings emailed to you, click Email Account Profile at the top right.
  7. Click Log Out.

See also: