Online Marketing

Financial Freedom tru BnLimited

We can  Earn Euros through BNLimited

Even the comfort of your home,anywhere you are ,where ever you go with your android phone we can earn  a little  but passive everyday to have a bigger  savings.


BNLimited  was Incorporated in the United Kingdom on October 2017


It is primarily a platform for people who want to invest in trading but have little or no knowledge on how to do it on their own. Anyone from any country may request for an account in BNLimited.


There are two kinds of accounts you can make on their website: Bitrobo and Hybrid – which offer different ways to earn in the platform.


intro bitrobo

The minimum investment required is Php 700 or €11 

If you open a Bitrobo account, the amount you invested through your account will be collected by the system and will be traded that day.You don’t have to do much other than wait after 24 hours to see how much your investment has grown that day.

Your investment can grow from  0.67% to 1.4% per day if you click this button trade button everyday.  the range of what you can earn is from 0.7% to 1.5%, It also means that if you keep allowing the system to trade your money everyday for 30 days, it could grow anywhere from 20.1% to 42%. 


You can also easily withdraw your investment anytime once a week.

And, if you prefer not to withdraw the profits from your investment you may re-roll it!



You can invest  Php 1900 or €30 for hybrid

Your account earns through the  affiliate program or networking side of the platform. It does not earn through autotrading like Bitrobo.

First, you earn a Pairing Bonus if you have Hybrid downlines/affiliates. You are awarded  €5 or P312 ,if you have Hybrid affiliates in both the left and right  of your group chart.But the amazing strategy is even one leg or one person only Bnlimited will award you of  €2.5.

If you have direct referrals/affiliates,  you have directly referred to the platform, and they all upgraded to Hybrid, then you will earn an €8 Pass Up Bonus for every fourth referral/affiliate that upgrades.

Screenshot_2018-09-07-15-34-49-1.pngThe supposed earnings for the first three referrals will go to your sponsor. So, if you had 8 direct referrals/affiliates, you will receive a total of €16 which is your bonus for your 4th and 8th affiliates.






Pls.take note that all NEW sign in account must be paid tru only.


Steps in Signing Up for a BNLimited Account

1. You must first have a bitcoin or ethereum wallet because you cannot directly use euros or any other currency when paying for your investment. is the app the we use when putting money for bnlimited here in the philippines. Coins.pH wallet is the only one that bnlimited use for new refferral payment.

If you don’t have yet app just go to the website to sign up and download the app. Just click my refferral code – 0umi3z  ,your account must be verified. ready with your verified ID, upload a picture,address,mobile no. and wait for the verification email that your account is confirm and verified.Verification process is with in 3 days. After that you can deposit money to your account .(Putting money on your wallet  is tru 7 eleven, cebuana lhuiler and other merchant.

2.Start the signing up process by clicking the link your sponsor has given you. You can’t sign up without one.So here it is Bnlimited sponsor code

You will arrive in a page like this:


Photo Collage_20180915_173046804

Choose which account type you want to invest now  Hybrid €30 and Bitrobo €11
submit and wait for an email  that you will pay the account. Once the email is sent you will have to link your wallet to pay for your account type.
After you entered an amount in the Account Setting (amount should be in Euros e.g. write 30 in the Account Setting for a €30 investment), click “Send Request” below which is highlighted with green font color.

pls.take note that if you click bitrobo ,the lowest amount that you can put IN is €11,it will automatically go to your trading account just click the days that you want your money to  grow.

The page will be refreshed and will inform you that your request to open an account has been sent.



Click the “Checkout” button, and you will be directed to a page like this:


3. Select which cryptocurrency you will use to pay for the account request and fill-in the details needed on the right side.

Then, click “Complete Checkout”. Check your email for a message from Coin Payments

4.Send the required crypto coins to the wallet provided in the email sent by Coin Payments. 

If you have a account, go to your bitcoin wallet or ethereum wallet and click “Send”.  If you are going to use your bitcoin wallet to send money, this pop-up will appear:

send money

5.Enter the amount as stated in the Coin Payments email, be sure to copy all digits. Then, in the To tab, enter the BTC address provided for you in the same email. 

6. After paying the amount, you will receive a confirmation email from Coin Payments like this one:

Wait for an email from BNLimited for your log in details. 

7. Go to:

Then, click Customer Portal on the top right corner of the page:


customer portalna

You will arrive in the log in page. Enter the log-in details provided to you in the email from BNLimited:


Congratulations! Remember: Change your password!

Sign up NOW!


Also for any concern you can chat our costumer service at our website or  if you log in to your account.

Hurry Invest now so your money will grow asap.


Dream Trips and Travel Escapades

Bzzworld Travel provides comprehensive services for groups and individuals to travel around for leisure and business with peace of mind.

Ever feel like just getting away for a couple of days? Maybe you’d like to surprise someone special with an impulsive mini-vacation at a posh resort, or get a group of your college friends together for a memorable weekend.

You deserve the holiday of your choice, in the best resorts with exceptional benefits that you can enjoy all year round.We look forward to creating inspired travel moments and lasting vacation memories for you.
Take once in a lifetime holiday to your dream destinations or let us create something unique just for you.

Let’s get started!

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