Log in and log out

This page explains how to sign in and out from your MIT-Desktop.

Log OnBYOD portal login

  1. Open your favorite internet browser and navigate to the Citrix portal https://apps.manukau.ac.nz.
  2.  Log in with your username and password.
  3.  At login, the below window will appear with your name displayed on the right. If you click on the arrow, a pull down menu will also appear.citrix


  1. Click on MIT-Desktop , this will log you into your virtual desktop


Logging off Vs Disconnect

  1. While in your virtual desktop environment, you can click on Log Off as you would normally, to exit.

NB: Log off will completely end your session. Ensure any open documents are saved to either H drive or on a local drive.

  1. You can also choose to “Disconnect”. This option will disconnect your session temporarily.







Note: The session will be disconnected automatically if you stay idle for 2 hours or longer. However the session will remain logged in to Citrix for a further 8 hours so you will be able to access your work again, as long as it has been saved.

 Important: You can reset your own session at any time if it becomes unstable or you are unable to reconnect. Just go to MIT Desktop and click on Restart.

 Download PDF document here