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      n   a stringy slime containing various bacteria that forms on the surface of liquids undergoing acetous fermentation. It can be added to wine, cider, etc. to promote vinegar formation,   (Also called)    mother of vinegar  
     (C16: perhaps from mother1, but compare Spanish madre scum, Dutch modder dregs, Middle Low German modder decaying object, mudde sludge)  
  mothery      adj  
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stepmother is the woman who has married their father after the death or divorce of their mother.

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Collaborative Dictionary     English Definition
phrase to qualify someone naive, inexperienced or immature; it alludes to newborn animals totally wet from the amniotic fluid during birth.The mother would then proceed to lick the baby animal thoroughly, but the indentation behind the ears (typically with a baby calf) would still be wet.
[Fig.];[Hum.];[Iron.] Only two days over the buisness and this still wet behind the ears rookie claimed to teach me my job! / Phil is not wet behind the ears and not the type to be easily undermined
Short for "mother I'd like to fuck".
[Fam.];[Slang] Slang term referring to an older and good-looking woman.
Portmanteau of the words "mom" and "manager". A momager is a mother who is also the business manager for her son or daughter.
United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund works for children's rights, their survival, development and protection, guided by the Convention on the Rights of the Child. UNICEF provides long-term humanitarian and developmental assistance to children and mothers in developing countries.
UNICEF is one of the members of the United Nations Development Group and its Executive Committee. Donate to help UNICEF meet the urgent needs of children.
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