
Login problems (past students)

I'm a past student, my Murdoch Username and Murdoch Password don't work, what do I do?
Access to all University IT resources is tied to enrolment status. As a past student, if the grace period from the end of any completed enrolment period has lapsed, you will not be able to login to services such as MyMurdoch. You will find that when you try to login with your Murdoch Username and Murdoch Password, your Web browser will display an error message.
The message displayed will depend on what system or service you try to access MAIS (eg. MAIS expiry date exceeded; access denied, or Access not permitted (not a member of a valid group).

However, if you wish to access MyInfo as a past student, refer to the information provided for
past students (past students enrolled prior to 1997, are unable to log into this service).