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OUAC offer

Congratulations on your offer of admission to our university. You've made a great choice!

To become the university's newest student, complete these steps:

Step 1:

Browse the information on this website to learn more about your offer of admission and life at the university. If your offer is conditional, please ensure you review and understand the conditions.

Step 2:

Accept your offer through the Ontario Universities' Application Centre (OUAC) by the date specified in your offer of admission. The steps for accepting through OUAC are:

  1. Go to the OUAC website.
  2. Log in to your application using your OUAC profile username and password.
  3. Select the Choices/offers button to view your offer(s) of admission.
  4. Select the Offer or Alternate offer link to respond to your offer.
  5. Select the button to accept the offer, then select Save and continue.
  6. When ready to submit all changes, select Review and submit to complete the process.
  7. Review and verify your application information.
  8. Carefully read the Applicant’s declaration and select I verify and agree.
  9. If successfully submitted, you will receive a confirmation number on the last screen of the submission process. Print this page for your reference.

Step 3:

To reserve your seat, submit your $500 non-refundable tuition deposit* to the university by the date specified in your offer of admission. For instructions on how to pay your tuition deposit and information about course registration, visit the Pay your tuition deposit web page.

*Please note: You must wait two to three business days after accepting your offer of admission on OUAC before paying the deposit. You can check your applicant portal to see when your acceptance is received by the university.

Welcome to the Ontario Tech University community!
We look forward to welcoming you on campus. Check your email often to ensure you receive valuable information about Ontario Tech—your university.

If you applied through an internal application or deferred your application, please visit our accept your offer for internal applicants page.