Login to Google Classroom

The best way for students to login to Google Classroom is via the student portal, where they can also access their student email.

Follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Student Portal website at: http://portal.det.nsw.edu.au/

  2. When prompted, students log in with their DOE User ID, which is firstname.lastname and password
    (note, some student have a number eg. fred.smith6)

3. Once logged in, under the 'Learning' section, click 'Show More':

4. Scroll down and click on 'G Suite (Google Apps for Education)':

5. At the G Suite for Education main menu, click on 'Classroom':

6. When Classroom opens, you should see one or more classes to select from.
Depending if your child has used Google Classroom previously or not, you might first:
–get a screen with a green background and a button that says 'Get Started'
– get a screen that asks if they are a student or teacher, click 'Teacher'

7. When students click on their class, they will see this screen, and be ready to go: