Skyrock Quotes

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Skyrock (The Rise of the Gray Order Book 2) Skyrock by Ryan Okerlund
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“Nigeria has had its history of violence. There are good men there, and there are evil ones, too. But violence is much closer to a man and his family there than in America. I grew up seeing that look you wear now. Wondering if something is worth your life. Some men make this decision very easily, and they are warriors. Others make it very slowly, and they are leaders. And still others run from such a choice, and they are cowards.” Brian”
Ryan Okerlund, Skyrock
“the ends do not justify the means. That to sell your soul to save the world is not honorable, nor wise. The earth will continue to spin, my friends, mankind will always be split between love and anger, honor and shame, life and death. The scales may tip in favor of good or evil, but they will always, always swing back.”
Ryan Okerlund, Skyrock