Tag Archive | superpoke pets

Thankfulness #31: Google

Yesterday I was pretty blah.I finished NaNoWriMo, but in doing so I’ve hurt my neck, and I think I’ve come down with Jonathan’s superflu, so…I didn’t do much. I did manage to get Habi Makeover done – the theme was decorating:


Quickness decorates his first apartment while wearing his hamster kigurami/jammies


Clucky helps decorate the office

Which brings me to what I am thankful for. Now this may seem odd, but I am thankful to Google for closing Superpoke Pets when it did. Why? Because we were the FIRST big money game to shut down. We got lots of press, and to try to appease people, they made a very cool SPP Lite program that let us export and save all of our habitats. Using this program, Neil managed to engineer and editing program called HabiMakeOver, and created a community around it, so we can continue to decorate our pets habitats literally forever.

Other games have since ended- games people had big money invested in – like Sims Social, Pet City, on and on,and the players of those games got nothing. No downloads, no cool programs, no way to keep going after the developers quit on it. So, if SuperPoke Pets hadn;t been the first, we wouldn’t have gotten any of that either. And that’s why. though it was horrible at the time, I am grateful to Google for closing it when they did so that we could get to keep playing forever.

If you don’t know what HabiMakeover is, you can check out all the details here, and join the community here.You no longer need to install any items- they are all stored online now – you just need to install the program. Heck, you technically don’t even need to join the community, but you should!

Still not convinced? Here are some more of Clucky’s great habitats! Click the thumbnails to make them bigger!

I think I’ll post some more tomorrow – won’t that be fun? Also, I did say that I wanted  NaBloPoMo Badge? Well Green Embers made one!


How cool is that?

Have a tiny pepper badge kinda day!

Jo 🙂


More Habi Makeover Fun

I shared some of Clucky’s great habitats the other day, so I thought it was only fair to share my other pet, Quickness the turtle.

If you don’t know what Habi Makeover is, it is a fun program that allows us to use the old Superpoke Pets Lite files to create and decorate new habitats. It’s the only online game I participate in, though right now we don’t get points or coins or anything for playing with one another’s pets like we did on the old SPP website, instead the fun is just in the decorating, and that’s fine with me, because that was the part I enjoyed. Well, decorating and looking at other people’s habitats. And with the new beta version it is easier than ever to decorate said habitats.

Okay, enough of a recruitment speech. Here are Quickness’ habitats. Though he is mostly a boy, he has, on occasion, had to be a girl. It’s good for him.

Superpoke Pets is gone but Habi Makeover Lives On!

I was browsing through blog stats the other day and saw that the posts I did on the demise of my favorite online game, Superpoke Pets, are still some of the most popular. But those posts only tell half the story. Thanks to Neil and his amazing Habi Makeover project, not only so we still have our pets, but we can decorate with them and, with the newest update, we can post the habitats on our profile and go play with friends’ pets just like the old days of SPP (there’s a constantly updated list on the homepage of who has changed their habitats). And he’s still working on improving it. Coming up will be user created items (you can already get an arcade background as well as several solid color habitats that are new), pet salon options, the ability to size things larger/smaller than before and more.

The coolest part is you don’t even have to have ANY of your files from superpoke pets to join. Everything you need – the items, and the programs (habi makeover and spplite) are available on the community site, so you can download, install and start decorating.  And if you’re confused there is a very awesome Habi Makeover wikia that has 99% of the answers!

Oh, and it’s free. There is an option for premium membership for 5$ a month that allows you to decorate your profile, access the files section (which is very handy if you’re still trying to get the thousands of items) and will let you upload your habitat to your profile (right now it is free to everyone, but it will go premium later). Yes, I admit, I pay for the premium membership because I love my little pets  plus I think Neil needs some kind of compensation for all his hard work. Having seen this grow from nothing, it is amazing how much he has done!

Now that my recruitment speech is over, I’m going to share my HMO habitats 🙂

Yes, I used the fun gallery function.

Currently listening to – Mythbusting the blogosphere webinar

Piggly Wiggly

And here is the last in my SPP habitat trilogy! Most of these habitats aren’t really min, but Bonnies. However, I play with PW so much I feel like he’s mine, too, so….

And that’s it! Tomorrow we should be back to the usual stuff – I think some photos if I get a chance to put it together. 🙂


The Quickness

Yesterday I posted a gallery of some of Clucky’s habitats, so I wanted to share some of The Quickness’s good ones, too!

Tomorrow is Piggly Wiggly 🙂


The World Tour

I am going to bore you with galleries for the next three days (including today).  I haven’t really used the galleries before. Usually I post the whole image so that readers can scroll through and see them without clicking, but I thought I’d try this. Let me know if you like galleries better or the image embedding better. (You’re still stuck with three days of pre scheduled galleries either way 😉 )

I posted the last couple of days about Superpoke Pets. I periodically have shared some of their habitats in random blogs, especially Clucky’s world tour. It has an almost story to go with it, so I thought it would be fun to share all of them since it is done 🙂

Tomorrow will be The Quickness 🙂 How exciting, huh?


More on Superpoke Pets


I was going to post a long, windy post yesterday, but it turned into something more factual. Since I haven’t seen much of that online anywhere, I decided to leave it and do the whiny, personal stuff today.

I’ve been playing Superpoke Pets since summer of 2008 and, right or wrong, I’ve become pretty attached to my virtual Chicken, Clucky. With the announcement of new changes, people in the forums are saying that it is the friends that keep them on the site blah, blah, blah. Not so for me. Sure, I like people on SPP, but I visit the site because I like to play with my pets, decorate the habitats, look at other people’s habitats and play the arcade game Pet Dazzled.  I also enjoyed Thursday’s shopping night. Though it was usually a glitch filled race to beat other players to items,  for every ounce of annoyance there was a pound of delight when you did get those hard to obtain goods.

With the shopping taken away, my first reaction was outrage. In retrospect I have enough items and habitats to keep all my pets busy for years. Counting the four habitats I bought the last couple of days from people’s closing out sales, I have 408 habitats, including almost every coin habitat ever released. If I decorated one a day for the next year I still couldn’t use them all. I don’t even want to guess how many thousands of items I’ve collected in the last three years, both gold and coin. And there are still a few more Thursdays left in June to buy new items on.

My main concern with the SPP “cutbacks” are that 1) everyone else will leave and 2) all items will be locked up in accounts and there won’t be anything to buy, Marketplace or no. Yeah, I know I just said I have thousands of items, but sometimes you need something else. Like When I wanted to make a river in a habitat and needed some extra rugs for the water.

the water is made up of several rugs

Even worse, if there’s no one left then they will close it down. Servers cost money. The thought of my cute little pets disappearing makes me, well, depressed is a good word for it. And they are cute. In fact, the cuteness my favorite thing about SPP. I joined the site because the advertisement was so cute and when they announced the new pet look this last December, one of the Admins assured us skeptics that with the new adorable animations they were even cuter. I didn’t believe her but after two weeks of playing with friends’ pets I realized she was right – they were cuter! That’s right about the same time that Clucky had an unfortunate accident…

right after new years, too!

and some plastic surgery

What a way to spend January – in bandages!

And emerged as one of the happy, dancing chickens.

Whoa! A whole new look!

Look at that little face. How could you want to delete it, let alone take out the other two pets I have co-ownership of:

Piggly Wiggly – who is technically Bonnie’s

The Quickness who is technically Jonathan’s, though barely 😉

I don’t know. So long as SPP actually remains opened I will stay there because I like it. When I feel overly stressed  or depressed I log on and play with the cute little cartoon animals or else spend hours clicking away rainbow colored pet jewels in the Arcade game.  So long as I can do that I guess I will be happy, even if there’s no new releases, no new garden seeds, no new quests, no new games and no updates of any kind.

Man, when you put it out like that, it still sucks.

On a brighter note, please enjoy a  gallery of some of Clucky’s past superpoke pets habitats!

Tomorrow I think I might post the rest – he has a world tour that was a lot of fun 🙂


The Death of Superpoke Pets?

Superpoke Pets may be gone but Habi Makeover let’s us decorate and play with our pets

Check here for the newest developments.
click here to see spp player’s message to google – over 200 protest habitats
And just what’s the big deal with SPP anyway?

Computer Games used to be the realm of kids and teenagers, but social networks brought simple, easy games to the masses Soon everyone from grandmothers to small children could raise crops, fight rival mobs or adopt pets. Superpoke Pets is one of the latter games. Players adopt a virtual pet and decorate habitats for it. They play with friends’ pets and complete quests to earn virtual coins to buy more stuff to decorate more habitats with. Some players (myself included) even drop real money for “gold” items, all for the sake of decorating even more habitats. It’s a never ending cycle that keeps players busy and, generally, happy.

Or it was.

The first sign that something was wrong came on June 1st when a banner at the top of http://spp.com told players that there would be no monthly “passport” quest for June, though the previously created quest items would still be available in the shop. An announcement quickly followed that the monthly plushie collection quest, where users collect a unique set of plushies themed for each month of the year,  was also cancelled.  Players were surprised, but assumed that the staff was busy working to correct bugs with some of the recently added features, such as the marketplace and friend’s ladder, and that the monthly quests would resume in July.

Clucky goes back to 1970’s

Then, on June 6th the Slide/SPP team announced in the Superpoke Pet’s forum that there were many “new” changes coming to Superpoke pets. The Thursday item releases, central to the game, will end in July. There will be no new items, whether gold or coin, no new seeds (to grow in the gardens), no feature updates, no spa treatments, free retro plushies, new quests, new free gifts, secret items or new bonus wheel items. After June 30th players will no longer be able to become VIP players – a “status” that users pay $5 a month for  to gain access to features such as resizing items int he habitat and visiting the “pet salon” – though all active VIP players will have VIP status for free “so long as the program continues”.  Even stranger, players will no longer be able to play on their social networks, but instead will be redirected to the SPP website to play. On a side note, the suggestion room of the forum will also close – not that there would be anything to make suggestions about. These changes will be made slowly through the month of June into July. With no new content, the game will essentially be “frozen in time” by August first.

Like robots with preprogrammed lines, Slide’s SPP team has assured players that the game will not close down for “the foreseeable future” – a quote that has become their mantra. They insist that with the new marketplace – a “shop” where users can “list” items in their inventory and sell them to other players for virtual coins – and all the previously created items the game will not only continue to be fun but will flourish. The Administration have been very prompt to tell players what will stay and what will go, but they haven’t been very straightforward when it comes to WHY.

With no definite reason given, players have been left to create their own theories. Does it have something to do with the Class Action Lawsuit Slide and Google face over another application, Disco?  Is it backlash from the thousands of dollars that many players incurred in overdraft fees when the credit system erroneously charged their accounts multiple times for VIP membership (One speculation is that they may have lost their merchant license)? Or maybe it’s because Google wants to break into the social networking business and only bought Slide for it’s designers and equipment, not for it’s games? Is it only a coincidence that items will no longer be for sale and that Facebook links to the game now redirect to the spp homepage when,  starting July 1st, Facebook requires all it’s games to accept “facebook credits” for in game goods?

Those who know aren’t telling, which leaves player unsure about SPP’s future, despite the Admins’ insistence that it will be available for the “foreseeable future”. The problem is, how long is the foreseeable future? Quotes such as “Select Coin Items will be given unlimited stocks, so that you can buy them for months to come” – don’t bode well to some players. Neither does the fact that Slide is doing the same thing to other games, including Superpoke Pet’s Ranch, who recently announced, in almost the exact same verbiage, that they would be open for the “foreseeable future” but would have no new updates, either. Superpocus and TopFish, two of Side’s other games, suffered this same fate a year ago. Though those games are still opened, the fact that Slide hasn’t even bothered to update the News section of their website since mid 2010 says something very sad. Perhaps Google’s purchase of Slide was really a death knell?

Is it the end ?

Player reactions have ranged from anger to sobbing depression and even, in some bizarre cases cheerful, acceptance. There’s not really much that players can do, though some are still trying. A discussion on Google Apps was started, but admin quickly assured posters that though “We have heard your feedback and have escalated it to the appropriate team… This forum is dedicated to Google Apps, one of Google’s many other products, and unfortunately it is not an appropriate place for a discussion about SPP.” Meanwhile a group of users who believe in the power of the people have started a “Save Superpoke Pets” Petition and have asked that all players sign it.

For an application that was so popular it even had it’s own youtube channel , Google/Slide’s decision came as a horrible shock, especially given all the recent improvements. In June 2010 the Quest feature was added to the game to give players something more to do, including monthly “passport” quests where players purchased and decorated themed habitats for their pets, and The Gallery, a place where users add “snapshots” of their habitats to collect votes, was also added. In December 2010 Slide rolled out new versions of their  popular pets; redesigns that made the animals more uniform in shape and size so that players could starts dressing them up in clothing items. Though controversial at first, many players had come to see the new, more animated pets as an improvement. With the new pets came the VIP status which included a salon to change your pet’s color and markings, the ability to move your pet in the habitat, decorate behind your pet and resize items in habitats, things decorators had long been asking for. In March the Slide team did a complete redesign of the site and made it more user friendly, as well as giving it a visual update. Other more recent changes included changes to the Spa,  the Friendship Bracelet program,  the new Friend’s Ladder and the Marketplace.

Why spend so much time and money on improvements to a game you plan to basically dump? Why create items for a puppy quest that you know isn’t going to happen? Questions like these leave many players suspicious that it was a very sudden decision made by Google, either in response to something legal or a finances. With no answers forthcoming, and the future of the game uncertain, the only thing left for users to do is either sell out and quit, or hang on for the ride and hope it last longer than “the foreseeable future”.

(You’ll be getting an ode to my SPP pets post tomorrow!)
