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Treehouse is an online technology school that offers beginner to advanced courses in web design, web development, mobile development and game development taught by a team of expert teachers. Its courses are aimed at beginners looking to learn coding skills and embark on a career in the tech industry.

In May 2016, Treehouse launched the

Techdegree program, a comprehensive learning program focused on helping people learn the skills they need to start a tech career. Through earning a Techdegree certification, a student will challenge themselves, deepen their skills, and prove their knowledge to potential employers. All in 6-12 months, on their own schedule.

Treehouse believes that understanding, communicating with and controlling technology is a fundamental skill that everyone should have the opportunity to learn. Through learning with Treehouse, each student is given the opportunity to learn the valuable skills they need — whether they have existing, little or no previous experience — to confidently take control of their future.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Where is Treehouse's headquarters? Treehouse is located in Portland, Oregon, United States.Who invested in Treehouse? Treehouse has 10 investors including Kaplan Ventures and Social Capital.How much funding has Treehouse raised to date? Treehouse has raised .When was the last funding round for Treehouse? Treehouse closed its last funding round on Apr 10, 2013 from a Series B round.Who are Treehouse's competitors? Alternatives and possible competitors to Treehouse may include ExecOnlineUdemy, and Brainly.