11/14/2005 02:09 pm
Could you please look into downloading this website?
I am not sure if it`s possible.
Let me have your email so I can email you my login for you to test it out.
It`s a 24 hour subscription so the clock is ticking.
Thanks in advance.

Oleg Chernavin
11/15/2005 06:12 am
I think, you simply need to logon the site in the Internal browser and then start downloading it. Only disable following Logout/Logoff links (if any).

Best regards,
Oleg Chernavin
MP Staff
01/16/2008 02:16 am
> I think, you simply need to logon the site in the Internal browser and then start downloading it. Only disable following Logout/Logoff links (if any).
> Best regards,
> Oleg Chernavin
> MP Staff

That doesn't work. Unfortunately, there is a redirect script stored in the html file for each of their links (obviously created by their app manager to avoid leeching their data).

Basically, this script simply looks at the URL you provide with the variable ?local=en and then does two things: it checks to see if the window that requested the URL has the same title as the url request (verifying that the request came from their server and not some random downloader). If it has the correct header in the top navigation frame, it modifies the URL slightly to read ?local=na && {insert the hash number stored in the cookie they saved when you signed in}

Do you have any suggestions on how to resolve this?
Oleg Chernavin
01/16/2008 06:04 am
Can you give me access to that site, so I could take a look?

01/30/2008 05:18 pm

i have the same problem with the site

Did you found a solution for this problem?

Thanks and best regards

Oleg Chernavin
01/31/2008 07:15 am
I need to know more about this site. Can you please contact me via ?
