The Endless Forest Quotes

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The Endless Forest (Wilderness, #6) The Endless Forest by Sara Donati
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The Endless Forest Quotes Showing 1-7 of 7
“I have loved the stars too well to fear the night.
---Elizabeth Middleton Bonner”
Sara Donati, The Endless Forest
“When it's right it's never too late, when it's wrong it's always too soon”
Sara Donati, The Endless Forest
“Each day is unique and precious, a coin to be spent thoughtfully. Waste nothing and your regrets will be few. The young cannot imagine death and for that reason they fear it. I am not afraid of death. I greet it as anyone who has a long and satisfying day’s work behind them greets sleep. I have loved the stars too well to fear the night.”
Sara Donati, The Endless Forest
“Great Spirit who gave us the darkness in which to rest. In that darkness we send our words to you.’ ”
Sara Donati, The Endless Forest
“She must not interfere in her children's lives, but neither could she look away, no matter how much trouble they made for themselves.”
Sara Donati, The Endless Forest
“Surrender gracefully. In time you'll find it was worth the sacrifice. But it will require time and patience and perhaps most important, a sense of humor.”
Sara Donati, The Endless Forest
“It wasn't an unusual thing for her to keep her thoughts to herself. She had that Quaker habit. Quiet contemplation, she call[ed] it. I got to like it myself, listening to the world without making any noise to add to it.”
Sara Donati, The Endless Forest