
  • An email mailbox (1GB Capacity) is included with the purchase of an internet package.
  • If you cancel your internet your email address may be deleted, unless you pay for an Email Only package.
  • Just the email account can be purchased for a monthly fee (see Pricing page).

Settings for your MoradNet email 

  Type Server Port Connection Security Authentication Method
Incoming POP3 995 SSL/TLS Normal Password
(Clear Text Password)
Outgoing SMTP 587 SSL/TLS Normal Password
(Clear Text Password)


Password: *******

**Requires Authentication**  must be selected



*I can’t specify Connection Security without it changing my Port:

Sometimes the Connection Security in your email program doesn’t  allow the Ports to be selected (ex. 465 sometimes pops up when SSL/TLS is selected, instead of 587.) To bypass this little puzzle, accept the default ports and complete the setup, then go back into the account settings and manually enter the correct port information. This is sometimes the only way to get around the automatic port selection feature in some email programs.

*Can get incoming mail but cant send email out:

Check to make sure setup in your email program did not automatically change server to and ensure that it does have for (both incoming POP3 and outgoing SMTP).

It can also be a port problem so be sure to also double check that the outgoing port is 587 and incoming port is 995. Also check that you have SSL selected.

*My emails aren’t on my phone anymore:

Try to sign in to the website and sign in, double checking to make sure you have emails there. Your phone will sometimes not list the email to make room for more incoming to bring to your attention, however they can still be searched in the search bar if you know which email sender you are looking for. If all this is not possible, you may have accidentally deleted them and cannot be recovered on your phone.

*Who can I contact with any questions about the email service:

You can contact Moradnet with any email account related questions, or to have your password changed ( all new passwords must be 6 characters long, have at least one number, uppercase, and lowercase letter).

*Email Inbox is full:

  • From here, delete unwanted emails from the inbox. Remember to clear the deleted items from the trash/ deleted folder as well to completely clear emails from the server.
  • Some email programs have a feature in the account settings “Delete from server when deleted from inbox” to make this process easier. 
  • Each program will have different steps to accomplish this, so you will need to consult the email program help pages / you tube videos for details.