Franchising Status
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Franchimp Summary Rating

10 /10
Lower than 0% of peers
6 /10
Lower than 42% of peers

Franchise Summary

Company Background
Wholesome Tummies is a franchise that provides healthy and fresh food for children. The company offers franchises, which allow entrepreneurs to open their own businesses under the name "Wholesome Tummies." The company's goal is to provide wholesome foods that are nutritious, delicious, and affordable for children of all ages. With products like bacon-wrapped chicken nuggets with honey mustard dip sauce or gluten-free pumpkin muffins made without refined sugar, they have something for everyone!
Franchise Opportunity
Worldwide, there is a growing concern for the health of our children. Obesity and diet related diseases are on the rise in both adults and children alike. Wholesome Tummies offers specialty foods that are healthy, fresh and delicious. We offer a variety of options from breakfast to lunch to dinner, individually packaged so your child can eat healthy anywhere at any time! Our meals are freshly prepared with real ingredients that you would use at home - no preservatives or additives. Each meal is made with whole grains like brown rice, quinoa or oats and always includes an assortment of colorful fruits & vegetables along with lean protein; all packed in convenient grab-n-go pouches! Wholesome Tummies provides wholesome food choices for kids ages 2+ years old while also providing convenience by offering individualized portion sizes in ready-to-eat packets (no cooking required). Kids can easily enjoy these nutritious meals wherever they go - whether it

Franchisee Attrition

10 /10
This franchise's rate of attrition in 2023 of 0.00% was Lower than the 2% in the Restaurants (Sit-Down) industry. Generally speaking, a higher rate of attrition represents a less stable franchise system and a lower rate of attrition indicates a more successful system
What's Included in franchise attrition?
We define the franchisee attrition rate as the sum of terminations, re-acquisitions by franchisor, non-renewals, and ceased operations, divided by the number of outlest at the start of the year. It is a strong indicator of the strength of the underlying operating model

Employee Contact Database

# Name Position Phone Number Email Address

Franchise Disclosure Documents

FDD Effective Date

Distribution of Wholesome Tummies Franchisees

Wholesome Tummies Franchise System Development in 2015


How much investment do I need to start my own Wholesome Tummies business?
Franchisees typically require at least $88,150 to $270,250 investment to get their Wholesome Tummies business started
What are the initial franchise fees for Wholesome Tummies?
Franchisees typically need to pay at least $27,500 in fees directly to Wholesome Tummies in order to earn the right to launch their business
How much money can I make with a Wholesome Tummies franchise? What are the average revenues for a typical Wholesome Tummies business?
We haven’t done the math on how much revenue a typical Wholesome Tummies brings in each year. We estimate that other franchisees in the Food & Beverage industry generate $0 revenue, so we would expect Wholesome Tummies to generate a similar amount
How long do I need to commit to running a Wholesome Tummies unit? What is my contractual commitment?
Wholesome Tummies franchisees are typically required to sign up to a 10 year contract initially. The renewal length is 10 years. You can of course exit early but don’t expect to get any refund!


6 /10
The Franchisor's investment costs ranges from $378,270 to $1,638,554 which is Much Lower than the $931,012 to $1,843,346 average in the Restaurants (Sit-Down) industry
What determines the investment cost?
Item 7 of the Franchise Disclosure Document lays out the full list of initial investment costs, including the fee payable to the franchisor, security deposits, equipment, professional fees etc

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