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=== Facebook Login ===
Contributors: timersys
Donate link:
Tags: facebook, facebook login, woocommerce, easy digital downloads, facebook ajax, facebook registration, buddypress, registration form, login form, login widget, registration widget, ajax login, facebook ajax login, popup, popups,
Requires at least: 3.6
Tested up to: 4.4
Stable tag: 1.0.9
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

Facebook Login. Simple adds a facebook login button into wp-login.php and let you use fb avatars, period.

== Description ==

If you just need a facebook login button in your wp-login.php to login/register users, this is your plugin.
If you need to add a facebook login in your template use the following code:

= Configuration =
Once you install the plugin, you need to configure it. Please follow [this guide](

`<?php do_action('<?php do_action('facebook_login_button');?>`

> <strong>Premium Version</strong><br>
> Check the **new premium version** available in ([](
> * Powerful Login / Registration AJAX sidebar widget,
> * Also available with a shortcode and php template function
> * Compatible with WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads checkout pages
> * Compatible with BuddyPress
> * Login widget in Popups
> * Premium support

= GitHub =

Please contribute on [](

== Installation ==

1. Install plugin zip using `/wp-admin/plugin-install.php` directory
2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
3. Go to Settings -> Facebook Login and enter your facebook app ID
4. Place `<?php do_action('facebook_login_button');?>` in your templates if you need it somewhere else than wp-login.php

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= Are you planning to add more features ?=

Nope really. The plugin is intended as a base for anyone needing facebook login

== Screenshots ==

1. button

== Changelog ==

= 1.0.9 =
* Fixed bug that avatars cannot be disabled in BP
* If registration is disabled in General -> Settings users won't be able to register

= 1.0.8 =
* Facebook Avatars now are working in Buddypress

= =
* Fixed important bug with fb users login into wrong account

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* Removed iconv as was causing problem in some servers

= 1.0.7 =
* Added redirect feature to template button
* Now username is generated only on registration

= 1.0.6 =
* Fixed bug when users deny to provide email with facebook
* Fb username is now more friendly
* Minor bugfixes and code improvement

= 1.0.5 =
* Changed the way users login to a more secure one ( Thanks Zoli! )
* Added fallback in case a Fb user change their email so they can still login to their account

= =

* Minor css and js fixes
* Updated docs in readme

= 1.0.4 =

* Now user are checked by email, so existing users can still log with facebook
* Now errors are showing instead of showing eternal spin wheel

= 1.0.3 =

* Fixed undefined error when notices are on
* Added button to registration screen

= 1.0.2 =

* Fixed bug with avatars
* Added scopes in case api version of fb > 2.3 - thanks to sdether
* redirect fix
* Added some more filters

= 1.0.1 =

* Added facebook_login_button hook

= 1.0.0 =
* First version

== Upgrade Notice ==

= =
* Fixed important bug with fb users login into wrong account

= 1.0.5 =
This version fix a security issue where malicious users could login to another users accounts by knowing certain data. Upgrade as soon as possible